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  1. bowdTM

    Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

    Hi @gospojken , thanks for the response . i am almost certain it is server side issue , as it dont happen on other servers and even within Hub server on potterworld its fine, its only when i enter a world that it kicks me from game
  2. bowdTM

    Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

    I keep getting this error. i have tried Restart router Restart PC Java sandbox DNS settings flush dns new minecraft new java firewall i have read that it can allso be a currupted game save on the server side , but does anybody have any other suggestions for how to fix this
  3. bowdTM

    Year 1 Charms class, im stuck

    Nevermind, its parkour up the books at the side of the room using the raisiing blocks to jump onto them and get closer to the feather
  4. bowdTM

    Year 1 Charms class, im stuck

    im stuck on this quest , i cannot seem to get the feather ontop , shown with green particles whats the way to do it