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Search results

  1. Candor

    Count as high as you can before a student comes on

    it's a no from me
  2. Candor

    Declined Easy Voting System

    Thanks for the reply, I do see this on the wesbite, but as you would say it would be cool to see a mention to this if a link couldn't be provided! :D
  3. Candor

    Declined Easy Voting System

    Hello! I have an idea on the voting system, and how it could be developed! As is stands, I do truly believe the easy access voting system using /vote is extremely useful and sleek, with great rewards which are easy to claim. My only downfall is the links differing, and tabbing in and out of...
  4. Candor

    Count to 100 thousand.

  5. Candor

    Count to 100 thousand.

  6. Candor

    If you're reading this, you must comment.

    oh my
  7. Candor

    Magus Square - Photo Reel

    This literally blew my mind. The build is so so good, wow.