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Search results

  1. Atreus | ethxnTM

    Declined Suggestion: Pet's

    Hello Potterworld! So, earlier today I found something out that I thought was rather odd, when do /pets you can't see the name of said pets. I didn't even realize that at first, as I would just play the guessing game when equipping them, but that does get rather tiring. So I've come to make a...
  2. Atreus | ethxnTM

    Declined Feedback: Drooble's Order

    Droobledoor's order is arguably one of my favourite adds to the server. You get free items, a fancy star, and many other amazing things. Even emotes! Which I've always wanted it added, so I'm really glad that it was. I have a few suggestions, to go along with this feedback, which I'll get too...
  3. Atreus | ethxnTM

    Declined 5th Battle of Hogsworth Suggestion

    The 5th Battle of Hogsworth, I have so many good things to say about that, but this is a suggestion and not feedback. After getting the last 4 RP tokens, there isn't any reason to continue playing, but I, like many, really enjoy it. There is so much to do, but as grads we no longer need XP or...
  4. Atreus | ethxnTM

    On-Hold Update level system?

    Hello! This idea was made by Sargent, I'm just relaying the message. An expanded level system for players to still have the chance to gain more levels, since reaching 80 happens too fast in my opinion. For the first update, you would only be able to reach level 150. But as time goes on, the...
  5. Atreus | ethxnTM

    Duplicate Prevent people from messing with trapdoors on housing plots.

    So, I'm not sure if anyone else has this problem. But my house is mostly made of trapdoors, for decor purposes. People come and flip them, all of them, might I add. Daily. I'm not sure if this happens to anyone else, but I'd like a way to prevent that from happening without turning public access...
  6. Atreus | ethxnTM

    Declined New Fighting Stuff

    Add maybe swords or bows! I know using wands is what makes pw, well, pw! But lets say for rp purposes, or even just because its fun, that they should add swords! Thats what makes minecraft minecraft, is fighting and building! As using a sword is quite easier than using wands
  7. Atreus | ethxnTM

    Declined Toy Suggestion!

    So I know the quest Build-A-Plush Toyshop you get to make a plushie for a couple. But why don't they have it to where you can make a plushie anytime? I think it would be fun! And it would of course cost gold, and you could collect the stuff to make it yourself!
  8. Atreus | ethxnTM

    Declined New class???

    Maybe a class about flowers, herbology I guess you could say! I've been putting random flower facts in the game chat, and a lot of people seem to really enjoy it! So maybe something like this?
  9. Atreus | ethxnTM

    Declined Community Engagement Idea

    Hide and seek! Seems normal right? But it isn't like the one you guys already have! There would be no turning into blocks, or Animagus's. Just regular player hide and seek! You could make it to where the seekers or hiders win house points if they win, or maybe have the most tags or who hid the...