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Search results

  1. BandaidUrOwie

    Declined More Armor Options

    So, as nice as the 16x16 textures of the armor are, they feel bulky. My suggestion is this: more options for house robes. My biggest inspiration for this is the Care of Magical Creatures scene from Prisoner of Azkaban, in which all the students are in a much more casual attire, with their ties...
  2. BandaidUrOwie

    Declined Spell Suggestion (Anaticula)

    An idea for a fun joke spell that isn't just a reskin of vermillio is Anaticula, perhaps for an event. Anaticula has a simple effect on the target, where the target's spells now only produce ducks instead of the desired effect. An example would be: Wizard 1: *casts Anaticula* Wizard 2: *casts...