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Search results

  1. cool game

    Duplicate Minecraft bedrock players being able to play on the server.

    I just sent you a friend request. This is my discord. Ryan Brito#1724
  2. cool game

    Duplicate Minecraft bedrock players being able to play on the server.

    I know how to address all the issues that you've brought up with making the server compatible with bedrock. Can I speak to you in a voice chat when you're available? That would make it easier for me to explain
  3. cool game

    Duplicate Minecraft bedrock players being able to play on the server.

    Hi, I would like to have some cross compatibility plugins added to the server that allowed for bedrock players to connect to the Java server. I think this would be good to add because some people do not have access to a computer, but they have access to their phone and play Minecraft on their...
  4. cool game

    Declined Adding ticket Tool.

    Hi I think it would be a good idea to add the ticket Tool bot to the discord server. Because even if a staff member or spawns to someone when they're not in discord. They can look at the response later with the end. game ticket system we have now. That is not possible. So I think this would...