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Search results

  1. DinoKeit

    Two words, replace one

    Short People
  2. DinoKeit

    Count as high as you can before a staff member comes online

    ~1~ (Please no bully)
  3. DinoKeit

    Count as high as you can before a student comes on

    Staff is cool and all, but y'all have to restart now. :/
  4. DinoKeit

    Count to 2020 before 2020 comes

  5. DinoKeit

    [B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Hi, my name is Dino. I'm a cryptic on this server coming out of...

    [B][COLOR=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Hi, my name is Dino. I'm a cryptic on this server coming out of extinction once every thousand years. I was cursed to being a human after I ate magic cabbage from a witch's garden and now I'm a pureblood witch. I'm also a member of SPEW and I wish I had more friends...
  6. DinoKeit

    Count to 2020 before 2020 comes
