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Search results

  1. annebanane

    Pride 2022 Giveaway

    I'd say I'm a funny person! I like to make others laugh and feel good about themselves, especially when I can better their day with a joke. Different jokes are told on different occasions, but one joke that will be consistent is Michael Scott's signature joke. It works for any occasion and will...
  2. annebanane

    Declined Change requirements for games that require a certain internet speed

    I totally agree! I will lag a lot in those games, and it makes it really hard for me to get my dailies because of it!
  3. annebanane

    Declined More Diverse WizPE Trivia?

    I agree! It's all Potterworld themed which is great considering that's the server but there's no variety whatsoever! They're all too easy and I would prefer if some of the questions were a bit more unique.