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Search results

  1. angelisaqueeen

    Duplicate Pronouns

    From what I've seen, there's very little people on Potterworld who have been rude or disrespectful regarding pronouns or LGBTQ+ related topics in general. I understand what you mean by it being able to be easily abused, but based on my experience, the community that Potterworld harbors seems to...
  2. angelisaqueeen

    Duplicate Pronouns

    It's entirely optional though. You wouldn't have to put a lot about yourself, if anything at all. It's literally just for pronouns which you can type in yourself, if you want.
  3. angelisaqueeen

    Duplicate Pronouns

    Something should be added to where you can do the command /pronouns, and you can input your pronouns, then you can see other peoples pronouns if you hover over usernames in chat.