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  1. Deathlish

    Development Blog - February 2025

    What's happening with Repressed Evil?
  2. Deathlish

    Duality Store Releases

  3. Deathlish

    Arena 2024 Season 4 Mid-Season Release

    go arena team!
  4. Deathlish

    Duplicate Halloween Event Idea!

    This Event Idea is based of the Netflix Show "Wednesday", so if this is too be taken into Account, I reckon anyone watch that show and gain more Ideas from that, happy reading! Journey to Eclipsedmore Academy! Basic Mainstory - Eclipsedmore Acadamy invites Students to a New Halloween at their...
  5. Deathlish

    Wizard's PE Update

  6. Deathlish

    On-Hold Make a Fairy Club/Allegiance Prefix

    Use this Comment as a Dislike button for this post
  7. Deathlish

    Declined Gauntlet stuff having 2 players to start it or update boss health

    I'm speaking more for Revenant and Dungeons. Gauntlet can easily be Two Teamed and Dungeons, you can have 1 person do it alone. So, an ultimatum is to actually make these Bosses Harder, similar to 9 Hells, Because Revenant as a whole with 3 people can take maybe 15-20 minutes whereas Dungeons...
  8. Deathlish

    Declined Mahounoshiro Fan Recolours

    Upsetting to hear. But surely in the Future there will models that are Similar to this Fan. In Size ofc, I rarely use this Wand to Duel anymore so I'm not exactly too upset with the Ultimate Decision. But thank you. I respect that it was probably given a fair chance. Seeing as the Feedback was...
  9. Deathlish

    On-Hold Make a Fairy Club/Allegiance Prefix

    Use me as a Dislike Button for the Post and Among Us Allegiance
  10. Deathlish

    Declined Mailbox "Take All" Button Idea

    Noice. I'll check it out later.
  11. Deathlish

    Declined Mailbox "Take All" Button Idea

    Hey so, replying to this. It's upsetting that it wasn't accepted but it would be a bit better if the Wait Time until each individual piece of Mail was made to be faster. It would be better but not by a lot. As someone who has like, 200+ Mail in their MailBox, I want to unlock things I previously...
  12. Deathlish

    Declined Gauntlet stuff having 2 players to start it or update boss health

    They could make it Level 60 similar to Dungeons, but it's not exactly hard to Dodge Spells from something like The Butcher, and at Level 71, you would've had Vital Spells, plus all the Talents, so it shouldn't be hard to Run it with Doubles even if you are like halfway into just playing it. But...
  13. Deathlish

    Declined Gauntlet stuff having 2 players to start it or update boss health

    pretty simple concept, make Revenant and Dungeons have 2 player minimum to start, it's either THAT, or the bosses should just be harder, myself and maybe blagden could do doubles and beat Revenant in like, 25 mins at best, for dungeons, it's almost like 10 mins at best. I didn't add 9 hells...
  14. Deathlish

    On-Hold Make a Fairy Club/Allegiance Prefix

    I would like to input my feedback. This should not be done by ALL ACCOUNTS !
  15. Deathlish

    Declined Mailbox "Take All" Button Idea

    Hello Dear Viewer/s - I come to you to talk about something Small and more than Manageable, it's for the Mailbox. From the file below, you can see how much Mail that I have, and it's a Hassle to sort through it all, it's 5 Pages Worth of Gauntlet Gold and more, so was wondering if it was...
  16. Deathlish

    Completed Returning old spells that will never return forever and add more Events

    "1. Remembering Survival Flares probably won't ever come back especially because you had to grind a very difficult parkour that was lost to time so yes I agree, please remove it from the my character viewer. " How wrong you were xd, they returned for 10th anniversary.