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Search results

  1. Qudditch Knight

    Declined Share Updates in QB

    Share Updates in QB We can quite easily agree that the updates on QB have been really nothing short of a miraculous overhaul to the game. The updates, I believe, have bettered Quabbleball. They’ve helped bring in more players and in my opinion make it more fun to play. This is a great...
  2. Qudditch Knight

    Completed How to Make QB Practice Better

    How to Make Quabbleball Practice Better Quabbleball is a minigame beloved by many in the community and has fairly recently received a mode where one can practice the minigame at any time. Simply going to the Quabbleball pitch and talking to Professor Wilson allows you to pick from several...
  3. Qudditch Knight

    Feedback What the Quabbleball community can do to help Quabbleball

    You may possibly know our controversial broom flying game; Quabbleball. Why can some consider it controversial? Possibly because at first, they didn’t have fun. They joined a game and were confused on how to play, they might’ve been looking for guidance, for help. Then they get queued up for...