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Search results

  1. Spookyellie

    On-Hold Marketplace: Recent Listings & Uncategorized

    river for headmaster!
  2. Spookyellie

    On-Hold Challenges gamemodes

    yeah special maps would have to be made regardless so people know when they completed their sections
  3. Spookyellie

    Declined Making Wiz PE more diversified

    “There was this small event in a player's housing, I think it was Enzologies or someone else with "-ologies" in their name. They had this one party event where we all had to parkour our way up a huge cake and other blocks. We were only able to use spells that knock players off of the blocks -...
  4. Spookyellie

    Declined Making Wiz PE more diversified

    Although the suggestion is perfectly explained about making WizPe diverse by having different games styles. However, Just like Leyak said I believe quabbleball should be a game style for flying not WizPe. Suggestion games like dodgeball , having team parkours , and elytra courses are great...
  5. Spookyellie

    August 2022 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    Ellologies (serpent) Engelhardmarcos (honey badger) BlagdenCZ (ravens)
  6. Spookyellie

    I don’t know how this works but my discord is SpookEllie#5465

    I don’t know how this works but my discord is SpookEllie#5465