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Search results

  1. Chronotix

    Book Suggestions!

    Ishamel - Daniel Quinn (Changed my life) House of Leaves - Mark Danielewski (Crazy Book) The Seventh Tower Series (Garth Nix) (Fantasy) The Road - Cormac McCarthy (Dystopian)
  2. Chronotix

    Movie Suggestions

    The Fountain (Hugh Jackman) The Road (Viggo Mortensen) Mirrormask, A Scanner Darkly Paprika (Anime) REDLINE (Anime)
  3. Chronotix


    My Favorite Weather is slightly cool, light rain, overcast clouds. I enjoy the peacefulness that comes from a rain. What's your favorite Cartoon?
  4. Chronotix

    Think Of A Word

  5. Chronotix

    Give me three

    Cirrus Stratus Cumulus Give me three Fictional Tigers!
  6. Chronotix

    Two words, replace one

    Enchanted sandwich
  7. Chronotix

    On-Hold Taunting in Hide & Seek and not being found should increase idle tokens you get.

    So while hiding, you occasionally rack up 4 tokens every once in awhile. My idea is that with every successful taunt, it increases that number by 1 coin.
  8. Chronotix

    The Person Below Me

    Tis true, I love cats. I have a Norwegian Forest Cat named Fettuccine, but we call him Fetty most of the time. The Fictional Human voice we have given him is Hedonism Bot from Futurama. He is very fluffy and weights about 17 pounds. not because he is fat, but because he is a huge breed of cat...
  9. Chronotix

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  10. Chronotix

    The Last Post Wins!

    When in fact. I have won.