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  1. Lord Eric

    Revelius - Coming July 4th

    Extremely exited about the upcoming update. Thanks to the development team, I know they worked extremely hard, and are doing something amazing by putting out something that looks so good in the time frame they have been given. Super hyped, and really exited for the new update, I cant wait!
  2. Lord Eric


    My phone, I cannot be ignorant of what is happening in the world because i am on vacation. What is/was your favorite subject in school?
  3. Lord Eric

    Would you rather?

    Wand, do you want someone to sit on you? Would you rather be a hero, but everyone thinks you are a villain (Snape) or be a fraud, and be thought as a hero (lockheart)?
  4. Lord Eric

    Would you rather?

    Teacher, you want to proceed Filch? Would you rather be the Minister of Magic or the Headmaster of Hogwarts?
  5. Lord Eric


    Prototype If you could create one spell, what would it be?