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Search results

  1. Stylish Galathynius

    The Person Below Me

    False! TPBM is interested in politics.
  2. Stylish Galathynius

    The Person Below Me

    False! TPBM makes a suspicious amount of typos.
  3. Stylish Galathynius

    The Person Below Me

    False! TPBM is a James Charles fan
  4. Stylish Galathynius

    The Person Below Me

    False! (I promise)! TPBM is hyped for the release of Quabbleball soon.
  5. Stylish Galathynius

    The Person Below Me

    False! TPBM likes Ariana Grande.
  6. Stylish Galathynius

    The Person Below Me

    I do! I have a Greyhound named Amy and a cat named Vader. TPBM loves history!
  7. Stylish Galathynius


  8. Stylish Galathynius

    The Person Below Me

    True, true, true! TPBM is a meme-fan.
  9. Stylish Galathynius

    Book Suggestions!

    The 'Throne of Glass' and 'ACOTAR' series... ugh my FAVES!
  10. Stylish Galathynius

    The Person Below Me

    Only Quest Building... TPBM prefers English over Maths.