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Search results

  1. Daaan

    3D Arithmancer Applications

    Good luck everyone that applies!
  2. Daaan

    Feedback Chest Cooldown

    I think the jump to 3 hours is way too much for someone that plays at most 8 hours a day. This means you only get to do 2 runs, maybe 3 on the weekends. Instead I feel like lowering the rewards would be more adequate or changing the cooldown to an hour or hour and a half, so people with less...
  3. Daaan

    Completed Dinosaur Cosmetics Suggestion

    Short Summary: This post is a suggestion on adding dinosaur cosmetics, if you have any suggestions or feedback regarding this suggestion feel welcome to reply down below! Thank you for your time! Explanation/Description: It would be very cool to have some dinosaur related cosmetics in the game...
  4. Daaan

    Duplicate Change the PM color

    Yeah I have encountered this issue a couple of times, its more of an inconvenience and as DMs are usually pretty important to me as individual its nice to help me notice it faster
  5. Daaan

    On-Hold Inventory buttons

    Good suggestion, I don't seem how this could have any negative impact and it would be such a great help! I hope this makes it into the game.