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Search results

  1. Tailor_John

    Think Of A Word

  2. Tailor_John

    The Person Below Me

    False TPBM likes candies
  3. Tailor_John

    Think Of A Word

  4. Tailor_John

    Think Of A Word

  5. Tailor_John

    Think Of A Word

  6. Tailor_John

    The Person Below Me

    No, I'm a Raven TPBM likes Honey
  7. Tailor_John


    I'd like to go (again) to Austria 🇦🇹. I'd like to visit all the important towns and see a lot of Museums (I am a Raven:raven:). Where would you like to live?
  8. Tailor_John

    The Person Below Me

    False TPBM plays an instrument
  9. Tailor_John

    Think Of A Word

  10. Tailor_John


    I love Blue & Purple, Blue & Green, Light Green & Dark Green. What's your favorite book (that you've read)?
  11. Tailor_John


    Taurus What's your favorite costellation/stars?
  12. Tailor_John


    I didn't played this event... Do you prefer fruit or vegetables?
  13. Tailor_John

    Give me three

    Hamburger Open Sandwhich Peanut butter and jelly sandwich Give me three types of pizza
  14. Tailor_John


    I think that my favorite place is the whole castle, mostly the hidden rooms and Common Rooms Which spell do you use most?
  15. Tailor_John


    Ferrero (the brand of Kinder, Nutella...). Do you prefer Lemon Tea or Peach tea?
  16. Tailor_John

    The Person Below Me

    I was and still am a Raven and I'm proud of it!:raven: TPBM likes reading Shakespeare's works
  17. Tailor_John


    No, but I'd love to have a cat! Where will your "ideal trip" be?
  18. Tailor_John

    Count to 100, 1000, 10,000..

  19. Tailor_John


    My favorite subject is Literature Who's your favorite poet (or writer)?
  20. Tailor_John


    I don't like cheese a lot, but my favorite kind is Gorgonzola Do you like Poetry? If so, what's your favorite poem?