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Search results

  1. HeyLookBunnies

    Cherry Blossom Festivals at Mahounoshiro - Spring Event 2023

    Spring is here! Get ready for a relaxing trip to the Mahounoshiro School of Magic. Take in the beautiful blooming cherry blossom trees as you explore the school and nearby park. Speak to Kevin just outside of the Great Hall to begin your vacation! You may even run into a few new fluffy friends...
  2. HeyLookBunnies

    Petting Zoo Competition Winners

    This year's Butterbrew Event featured a petting zoo house point competition and the numbers are in! Hippogriffs 1st Place: Honeybadgers with 5891 points, winning 200 HP 2nd Place: Ravens with 2562 points 3rd Place: Serpents with 1051 points 4th Place: Griffins with 512 points Baby Elephants...
  3. HeyLookBunnies

    2022 Butterbrew Carnival

    Happy Butterbrew! This year, the residents of Hogsend are celebrating Butterbrew early by hosting a carnival! Explore the decorated streets of Hogsend, play some exciting carnival games, win lots of plushies and prizes, and participate in not only one, but two competitions! Speak to Carnival...
  4. HeyLookBunnies

    Head of Academics

    Congratulations to @zachmath15 on his promotion to Head of Academics! I am super excited to announce that Zach will be co-heading the Academics team alongside myself (HeyLookBunnies). Zach has been an incredible Assistant and has striven to provide a fun and fair environment for the Academics...
  5. HeyLookBunnies

    Spring into the Bunny Burrow

    This spring, the bunnies of Bunny Burrow have gathered to celebrate their favorite season! Join them in the burrow to explore, play two new minigames, and complete quests to earn rewards. You can access the event from the Droobledore NPC at the head table in the Greathall! Main Quests There are...
  6. HeyLookBunnies

    Class Helper App Update

    Hello everyone! Class Helper apps and bypass apps will remain closed until further notice. We will be responding to the current pending applications shortly.