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Search results

  1. Allandrk

    Completed Add event plushie suitcase to the enchanted backpack

    It would be nice if you can add the event plushie suitcase to the enchanted backpack like the event token pouch.
  2. Allandrk

    Duplicate Flying/Elytra/Skate time trials

    I think it would be fun if there were more activities around the map like the parkours and mazes. The concept is simple: there is a flying/elytra/skating course and you have to finish it in a certain amount of time. This would also be great for practicing your skills. (Credits to Engel for...
  3. Allandrk

    On-Hold Reputation Rewards

    Hello, I have been doing reputations daily and I realised that once you are done, there is nothing more to it. Reputations barely give you gold and just some XP, so it's just simply not worth it to continue doing them daily. Maybe if they gave more gold it would be worth it? Or if there were...
  4. Allandrk

    Duplicate CE's (again)

    Hello peeps, I already made a forum about this but I think I didn't make my point very clear. I'm upset about how CE's go nowadays. In the past people would go to CE, do fun activities together, get to know each other and then get ONE collectable for participating. Now almost everyone comes for...
  5. Allandrk

    Feedback CE

    Hello, thank you for reading. In this thread, I would like to talk about the CE not being fun. Every month I get lots of stress when I see the new dates for the CE's. I know there are a lot of CE's per month, but sadly most of them are in the evening for me and during dinnertime. Furthermore...
  6. Allandrk

    Declined Dueling challenges

    Hello, I hope you are having a good day. I was in a dueling challenge today and I think it wasn't fun at all for most of the people participating. I was in a team with a player that was there for the first time, and I had to go against Maxwheel and Bastaii. Everyone knows that these 2 players...