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Search results

  1. ducknaps

    Duplicate Minecraft bedrock players being able to play on the server.

    If you really want to sure, I can't make any changes but I'm interested to hear, discord is ZakR#0874
  2. ducknaps

    Duplicate Minecraft bedrock players being able to play on the server.

    I don't think it would be possible to play PW on phone to be honest. For instance how would you cast spells or scroll through the spell hotbar. I don't think there's a way to play older versions on bedrock as well. If it possible to get PW to work on bedrock then it would be great, I'm sure the...
  3. ducknaps

    Declined Warp (Hear me out pls)

    You make a good point. This is just a blocky game after all. I found some backtracking in quests a good way of remembering a path to certain places. I do miss the old warp system and I think there should be a way to quickly travel to certain places in London or just any key location. I think the...
  4. ducknaps

    Declined Warp (Hear me out pls)

    I didn't like the update too much. I think that's because I was inactive for a month or two and I came back to almost a different version of the server. Now though I really enjoy the exploration, I normally fly lower just to look around. It's annoying for roleplayers but it will just be...