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2022 To The Other World Halloween Event HELP


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: DailyRoutine
Raven Linked
Hey there everyone, I'm currently doing the Little Nightmares quest that's part of this current Halloween event. I'm at the area where you find the Other Mother's Dolls. I'm been in this maze as I look for the third doll forever. I've been going in loops for a while. Is anyone able to help me on finding it or at least the coordinates. Cheers :)


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Drooble's Order Linked
Hello, @DailyRoutine,

I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with this. The doll is at the end of the maze and sits on top of a table in the corridor. If you want to find them with coordinates, these are the ones I noted down while finding the doll myself: -3572, 12, -96.

I hope this helps and have a great day!

Best regards,