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2024 Easter Event

Hello fellow staff and players! I have come to present a fun and engaging Potterworld Easter Event idea for 2024!
*Please Note: Pardon my typos and wording. I have dyslexia*

***Side Note: Names and ideas are just suggestions. Subject to change.

Event Name: 2024 Bunny Support Event

Setting: Easter Island - Found somewhere in the middle of the ocean, lies an island called, Easter Island. Found on the island is an industrial egg painting factory where, similar to Santa's elves, bunnies work to produce eggs for children all around the world. The outside of the factory, players can see paint of many different colors spilling out of the large exhaust tubes on the roof. To sum this all up, "PAINT, PAINT, PAINT EVERYWHERE!". Paint spills, splatters, buckets, brushes, and rollers everywhere. I'm sure some fun literal easter eggs can be put on walls too!

- Misplaced Eggs: Help Rachael find their missing eggs.
- Egg Sort: Help sort the eggs by the correct design into each bin in a certain amount of time.
- Production Catch-Up: Help the Easter bunnies catch up on egg production by painting eggs correctly.

Wand(s): Bunny Wand & Egg Staff
Hat(s): Painted Egg Crown (Similar to the Flower Crowns)
Pet(s): Bunny helper
Warp Key Appearance: Easter Bunny Bucket (We need more warp key appearances in general)
Misc.: 2024 Bunny Support Event Token, Scarf, Paint Splatter Spell

These are just some of the ideas I personally came up with. I'd love to pursue this idea if the staff team is down to work this idea out! Let me know your thoughts!


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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
Dear Potterworldian,

I am writing to express my grave concerns regarding the conditions in the industrial egg painting factory on Easter Island, which is being used to produce eggs for children worldwide. As an organization responsible for ensuring the safety and health of workers, we cannot overlook the exploitative practices, hazardous conditions, and significant environmental and toxic impacts that we have observed.

The paint spills, splatters, and buckets scattered everywhere in the factory, in addition to the large exhaust pipes releasing fumes and paint of many different colors, are causing serious harm to the environment. The disposal of the paint and other materials used in the factory also poses a significant risk to the environment, as they may contain harmful chemicals that can pollute the surrounding area.
The workers in the factory are also at risk of inhaling toxic fumes from the paint and other chemicals used in the painting process, which can cause respiratory problems and other serious health issues. These hazards are unacceptable and must be addressed immediately.

In addition to the reports of paint spilling and splattering everywhere, we are also deeply troubled by the reports of misplaced eggs and the constant need for workers to "catch-up" on production. These practices are exploitative and indicate an unsafe and unsustainable work environment that prioritizes profit over the well-being of workers.
Furthermore, the commanding "PAINT, PAINT, PAINT EVERYWHERE!" has raised serious concerns about the working conditions and the well-being of workers. It suggests a high-pressure work environment that can lead to stress, anxiety, and even injuries.

As a result, we demand the immediate closure of the factory and a £24,000,000 fine for the negligent practices that have been taking place. We urge you to take action immediately to address the hazardous conditions and to ensure that the workers and the environment are not put at risk.
We acknowledge that the industrial egg painting factory is an integral part of the upcoming 2024 Bunny Support Event, and that there are quests and challenges that are dependent on the eggs produced in the factory. However, the safety and health of workers and the environment should not be compromised for the sake of entertainment.

We strongly recommend that alternative arrangements be made to ensure the safety of the workers, the environment, and the production of the eggs. We are committed to working with you to ensure that the conditions in the factory are improved, and that the safety and health of workers and the environment are safeguarded.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
OSHA Representative


Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @MrBunny | PinkFunnyBunny ,

Unfortunately we will be declining this idea for a whole event. However, we may use some of the ideas here to structure future Spring events. Collaboration between many staff members and suggestions is key in constructing events, so it is unlikely for us to follow a specific template, but we will definitely pay attention to the important information here!

Nevertheless, thank you for your suggestion, and have a great day!