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A Total Eclipse: Werewolf vs. Vampire War Event - Analysis (Part 2)


Minecraft IGN: OcelotGuardian
Honeybadger Dark Follower Werewolf
On October 23rd, the Werewolf and Vampire bases opened for the Total Eclipse: Werewolf vs. Vampire War Event. Players were able to explore both bases to discover hidden information.
This is a list of important dialogue and item descriptions from the Vampire Base, as well as my analysis of the base.
Werewolf Victory Live Event, which took place on October 31st, will be included in Part 3.

Vampire Base:

Lana Cook: [Excerpt] Being a Vampire may be tough at times since we do mainly feed off blood. However, I tend to stay more on the humane side of things and eat only Blood-Pops.

Victoria Red: [Excerpt] Master’s Guide to Potion Properties, The Truth of the Fantasized Cure… Powerful Ingredients… The Invention of Superior Brewing… The History of Jong!

Kallista Fawley: [Excerpt] You seem surprised that I’m being nice to you. The vampires are just a bit… cold. They will warm up to you, I promise. I mean I would know, my best friend is the Queen.

Selene Villarreal: It’s just like old times… Hm? You don’t know? Almost 100 years ago there was another huge war between the Werewolves and the Vampires. Our leader at the time was killed by their forces. I would know. After all, I was there. If it weren’t for Ray I don’t think we ever would have gotten back up on our feet… Now that I think about it, Ray used to keep a diary around. People used to say he wrote in it even after the war started. If you want to know more about the war, you might wanna go searching for it. Though I’m sure the parts of it have been scattered over time. Also, now that I think about it… wasn’t there a war before that one too?

Irina: [Excerpt] Here is the key you seek. You may return to the trophy case and retrieve the pendant. However, I will warn you, if the information you seek gets into the wrong hands trouble will arise.

Alexie Mortemcare: [Excerpt] Idiotic fools, always walking around mindin’ everyone’s business. God knows what would happen if he were to find out…

Zora Miloslava: Here lies Zora Miloslava, one of the seven original vampires. Known for being the embodiment of pride, she always was the best at what she did. When she and her friends were separated after the first Werewolf war, Zora made her way to Tokyo, Japan. Attempting to prove to both hersalf and those around that she did not need her old friends to live her life, she began working her way into university. Making sure to be extra careful not to reveal her identity, she began taking questionable jobs during the night in order to gain the required money. During the time she was saving up, she also finished her schooling to allow her an easier transition into university. 2 years after moving to Japan, she finally finished school and began studying medicine. 4 years later, she graduated top of her class. During her time at university, she met a boy by the name Yuki Sugamora, son of the chief of medicine at Japan's largest hospital. He was there studying to be a doctor like her. With Yuki placing a good word about Zora to his father, she was offered the position of a doctor at the same hospital. She'd stay there for a few years, meeting a range of different people along the way. 3 years after graduating from university, she began to feel the true effects of bloodlust. After spending so much time around the living, she'd refused to drink from anyone a few months prior. Her prideful mature made it so she would not break her promise, but refused to take what she needed from her workplace or from the peopl who had passed. Eventually, the bloodlust became too much for her to bear, and while walking home beside Yuki she suddenly attacked him. Struggling back, Yuki was almost killed. However, thankfully for him, Vampire hunters had been nearby. Stabbing her through the back and into the heart. Yuki claimed that the look in her eyes that had been there as she attacked him had disappeared within her last moments. He also states that he swore he could see regret in her face. Yuki Sugamora, learning the true history behind his best friend, spent the next few years of life searching for any living family members to learn the truth behind what happened that night. Coming up empty, he eventually tunred to the same hunters who had killed her, and in return for offering the hospital's services, the hunters returned Zora's body to her homeland. The body was then stolen a few years later and has resided within the manor since.

Lupin Petrov: Lupin Petrov, known as the master gentleman thief, was one of the seven original vampires who roamed the land. Despite sharing a different mother to his older brother, Laszlo Petrov, the two of them were considered to be inseparable. Wherever Laszlo went, Lupin would go too. Thus is the reason why he was cursed alongside him. His greedy nature was the reason he turned to a life of thievery, but his skills were hardly amateur. You’d never know where he’d strike next. Upon discovering a rising number of Vampires, the Werewolves in Eastern Europe threatened them to leave. When they refused to, the first Vampire vs Werewolf War began. During said war, Lupin’s nature got the best of him. In an attempt to help his brother and his friends during the fight, he snuck into the Werewolf Cave and managed to steal an ingredient to an unidentified potion. While Lupin was able to hand it over to Irina, it wasn’t long after that when he was killed by the Werewolf Alpha for his crimes. Lupin was originally laid to rest within his hometown in East Europe, however, when Irina escaped to the Vampire Manor, she made a point to bring both his body and the body of his older brother with her.

Laszlo Petrov: Here lies Laszlo Petrov, one of the seven original Vampires, who was ripped to pieces by the Werewolves after murdering the Werewolf Alpha. Laszlo Petrov and Lupin Petrov were both brothers. Laszlo was about 3 years older, and invited Lupin to join him and his friends to go out into the woods. Little did they know at the time, they would be cursed by Baba Yaga and turned into the world’s first seven Vampires. After the Werewolves notice a rising number of Vampires in Eastern Europe and threaten the Vampires to leave them, Laszlo’s little brother died in the midst of the unadvanced Werewolf Cave. Laszlo, known to be heavily emotional, single-handedly raided the Werewolf Cave to avenge his brother’s life by ending the life of the Werewolf Alpha. In succeeding to do so, those who followed the Werewolf Alpha worked together to defeat and kill Laszlo Petrov. Laszlo was found dumped outside in a nearby forest with multiple wounds, bite marks, and ugly scars. His body was soon transferred to this burial site, where he lies in peace now.

Elizavetta Kriska: Found with a stake through the heart, here lies Elizavetta Kriska, part of the original seven Vampires. In 1856, after the Werewolves obliterated the Vampires, six of these original Vampires scattered all across the Earth. Elizavetta traveled far, all the way to London, U.K. She hid amongst the outskirts of the developed city, away in the depths of the British forests. She would gather rocks and stones to create makeshift shelters before she moved locations once more to remain hidden. Elizavetta lived steadily in the woods, feeding on hunters and explorers who traveled into the forest. To make sure that the popularity of her locations didn’t decrease, she would often have to move around the land. Though, Elizavetta had to be careful; sometimes there were Vampire hunters! Weeks passed, and Elizavetta started to feel lonely. She traveled further in-land, only to meet more humans. She made a makeshift shelter once more, and went to snooze in the afternoon sun. Suddenly, Elizavetta heard a voice. The crack of a wooden twig, and the smell of garlic. She immediately awoke, only to see the man drop his stick, and smile at her. She didn’t know whether to trust this man or not, and instinctively backed up. The man had a friendly look, and reassured Elizavetta. Time passed, and Elizavetta grew to like this man. They fell in love, and roamed the woods together. Elizavetta fought her bloodlust around him, they both improved each other. It was that night, when the love of Elizavetta’s life, took out his wooden dagger and stabbed Elizavetta through the heart, piercing what life she had in her left. Elizavetta Kriska’s body was found years after, rotting in the soil of her woods. What left of her remains here, at peace.

Tadeusz Kazowski: Here lies the combusted body of Tadeusz, one of the seven original Vampires to roam this planet. After the first Vampire and Werewolf war, Tadeusz, just like the others, was forced to flee away from Europe. In 1859, 3 years after the war, he took shelter in a desolate village in East Russia. The townsfolk never acknowledged his presence – but his actions soon became the talk of the village. Tadeusz feasted on the inhabitants for weeks, obliviating them to never speak of the instances. His never ending hunger could never be satisfied and it would eventually bring upon his downfall. On a fateful night, Tadeusz sought out another victim, another snack. A girl by the name of Aleksandra Belinsky, orphaned by Tadeusz when her parents went missing, only a month before this very day. Eyeing her from the shadows he waited for the perfect opportunity to strike. At last, he charged at her in the empty street. The girl yelled, alerting the townsfolk of the tragedy about to happen. Wielding rakes and pitchforks, the men of the village surrounded Tadeusz. He held the girl with a powerful grip and bit her. The men started attacking Tadeusz, but no one could stop him. Though soon, his ugly, bruised body started to collapse onto the ground. Panicking, he started charging at the villagers, hissing at them with his sharp fangs. In a brave attempt to stop the rabid Vampire, an old miner flicked his lighter above a stick of dynamite and charged at Tadeusz. The man charged at the Vampire, the stick of dynamite in hand. With a powerful push, he dropped Tadeusz to the ground and placed the dynamite on top of him. The townsfolk dashed under cover and with a giant bang, an explosion calmed the conflict. The townsfolk wrapped his remains in a blanket and drifted him down the river. They never spoke of the incident again… Tadeusz’s body was found weeks later by a traveling wizarding couple who reported the body to the Chinese Ministry. The body was stolen in 1871 and returned to the Vampire Manor.

Sonia Kazlow: Here lies Sonia Kazlow, known for her contribution to the musical industry and one of the seven original vampires. Driven away from her homeland by the Werewolves in the first war, Sonia made her way to California, USA. There, her natural beauty and talent drew people in higher places to her. Enchanted by her voice, she was quickly offered positions on singing shows and the latter. Although her rise to fame might be considered slow by some people, it didn’t take her very long before influential companies and groups began to request her talents. Sonia, overjoyed with the acquired fame and attention, continued to climb the ladder. Her unique style brought changes to the musical industry throughout the years, and her work was regarded as a piece of the century at the time. However, all things must come to an end. Decades after her original rise to fame, Sonia began to become less and less popular. A girl by the name of Emily Cornwell soon took her place at the very top. Emily’s more upbeat style brought more attention to her, and soon Sonia Kazlow became a thing of the past. Jealous and angry at Emily for stealing her spotlight, Sonia began her plot for revenge. Sonia attempted multiple assassinations of Emily’s life during the time they worked at the same theatre, all of which failed. Sonia was at the end of her rope not long after her final attempt, and outraged by what she claimed was Emily’s “selfishness,” she one night suddenly attacked Emily while she was on stage in front of a crowd. Killing Emily in front of thousands of people, it was not long after before she herself was cornered and killed by humans who didn’t understand what she was. Sonia’s body was then moved to a church for the famous, but mysteriously vanished the day before her burial. Her body now resides with the manor’s crypt, and you can often still hear the songs she produced while in the limelight throughout the manor.

Irina Alexandrov: Here lies the memory of the most well known of the first original Vampires. Irina angered an ancient witch, Baba Yaga. It was because of her that she and her friends were cursed with the ‘Curse of the Bat’. The seven sought out and had their revenge on Baba Yaga for ruining their lives. Irina moved on to live in her hut for several months before hearing of what is now known as the First Vampire vs Werewolf War. Irina rallied with the original Vampires in an attempt to win the war, however, their efforts failed and they were lost. After Lupin and Laszlo were killed, she led some of the survivors Eastern Europe where she found the Vampire Manor. The Manor was occupied by a rich family and upon arrival, Irina and the other Vampires turned the occupants into Vampires, expanding their numbers. During the next couple of years, Irina never left the Manor and had the Vampires working as her servants. She did very little for herself and grew very lazy as she ordered the Vampires to search for the other original seven. One day, a group of traveling Vampires stumbled upon the Manor. Irina greeted them and let them stay at the manor. She soon became good friends with Ray Larkspur, the leader of the group, after he spoke to her about his findings on the other original Vampires. Now that she knew the Werewolves were also searching for her, Irina searched for a way to prepare. An elderly Vampire by the name of Nicolai Konstantawicz raised his hand and emerged from the group who arrived with Ray. He spoke of his peculiar ability to force people to do whatever he wished, which he proved by making Irina slap herself by only uttering a simple command. Astonished by this Vampire’s incredible abilities, she lent Nicolai authority over the Vampires who dwelled at the Manor. After tedious years of tense war, the Werewolf Alpha stormed into the Manor and beheaded the Mind-Controlling Vampire mercilessly and caused a huge fight. The Alpha found Irina and brainwashed her to enter a crypt that was hidden away in the depths of the dungeons. She was permitted to never leave and some believe she still resides in a room somewhere underneath the Manor. As the Werewolves secured their victory, the remaining Vampires ambushed the Werewolf Beta. The Werewolves fled from the Manor in terror realizing that they were now left leaderless and weak. Ray, in the time of crisis, stepped up and led a group of Vampires to safety. The remaining Vampires who decide to stay searched for Irina but were unsuccessful.

Display Case: Through the translucent glass of the display case, you can see a golden crown and silver necklace. With deep red jewels and striking golden surface, the crown rests away from the Queen. The necklace is a very old pendant that has been passed down through centuries. This pendant shines from several feet away and the glossy white center is alluring to anyone who comes across it. Only the most worthy know the truth behind the pendant, and the key lies with one of the seven.

Bookcase: As the war finally neared its end after 2 decades of fighting, the Werewolves, in a final attempt to bring victory, stormed the Vampire Manor. The Vampires, who were unprepared for this attack, were at a disadvantage, and soon lost the lead they once had against their rivals. The leader of the Vampires, one of the strongest Vampires to have ever lived (who possessed powerful mind-controlling abilities) was beheaded. The Werewolf Alpha, using the abilities of the mind-controlling head, locked Irina Alexandrov, the only surviving first Vampire, in the crypt for eternity. With their leader dead, the Vampires sought to bring justice to their fallen and attempted to drive back the Werewolf forces. The remaining Vampires gathered together and slew the Werewolf Alpha and their inner-circle members. During the raid, a total of 120 vampires were killed, including all but one of the leader’s inner circle members, Ray Larkspur. The trusted advisor sought to take charge of the situation after the Werewolves had left, leading the survivors into hiding. Ray and his wife disappeared from the clan not long after settling things down, and no traces of them have been found since. Since then they’ve remained in hiding, attempting to rebuild their numbers. They’ve only recently resurfaced with the current Queen’s rise to power.

Scattered Diary Page #1: … coming. Somehow… didn’t think… prepare for the worst. Trying… maintain… last. We need…

Scattered Diary Page #2: There… left. …number on us. How… not see… safe location… flee.

Scattered Diary Page #3: … lot more… expected… reasons… and if… knew beforehand… stop him… didn’t need to die. Everything… never forgotten that…

Ray’s Diary: A group of entries written by Ray Larkspur, now Lightwood, a trusted advisor to the past leader of the Vampires, detailing the second Werewolf vs Vampire war.

Dear Diary,
There’s been talk amongst the Vampires as of late. They speak of tension growing between a group known as the Werewolves. Our leader has ordered us to prepare for the worst-case-scenario – war. I don’t know what the issue is with this group, but I’d like to avoid conflict if possible. I plan to discuss this with my fellow Vampires.
-Ray Larkspur

Dear Diary,
Last night I discovered that 4 years ago this group known as the Werewolves fought against another Vampire clan for reasons unknown. Whatever the case, they seem to believe that a survivor of the last war resides within our manor, and are calling not only for their head but ours. War rages inside these walls as well. Half of us are calling for peace, the other half for war. We need a plan.
-Ray Larkspur

Dear Diary,
Despite my advice, our leader has decided to go along with war. Some believe we can win but I’m not too sure. We don’t know what these things are capable of. Spies have been sent out to see how many there are, while over 200 here are preparing to march against them. I can’t help but think it sounds unmagical, going to war. Our leaders’ trusted advisors, including myself, will remain at the manor until further notice. I pray for our family to make it home safely.
-Ray Larkspur

Dear Diary,
It’s a massacre. By the time Talion and I arrived everyone was gone. I don’t know how they knew we were coming but they did, there’s no other explanation for this. Is there a traitor among us? I don’t think so but it’s a possibility. Talion has remained at the camp to gather their remains, and will soon bring them back to the manor so we may lay them to rest. These werewolves sure are something else.
-Ray Larkspur

Dear Diary,
Our spies have once again been sent out to try and locate their base of operations, which we predict isn’t far away considering how they knew we were on our way. Those remaining have been making preparations for a counterattack. Talion will lead a task force of 120 whenever the spies return and lower their numbers, although we will not be sure how much exactly.
-Ray Larkspur

Dear Diary,
We suffered some pretty hard blows today. Our counterattack was at least somewhat successful, although we lost a good soldier today. Talion sadly didn’t make it back, but the remaining 75 did. Their personal accounts of their battle with the Werewolves will prove beneficial to our research in finding a proper way to handle them. I will also possibly look into some unmagical stories of ways to defeat them.
-Ray Larkspur

You notice that from here all of but one of the pages have been torn out, estimating about 119 missing documentaries. Some of the torn paper that remains within the diary have red stains.

Dear Diary,
After 20 years of fighting this bloodshed has finally come to an end. The real question that lingers with me is at what cost? They stormed the manor. They didn’t care who they killed, as long as they were vampires. Our leader and my fellow advisors have been killed within the battle, and I am the only one remaining. Those remaining are confused and without a leader. I don’t know what I’m meant to do. I do owe it to them though, they are my family. I’ll move them to a separate and safe location where they can recover. We’ll return once we’re ready.
-Ray Larkspur

Display Case: The magical case unlocks as you turn the key. The glass swings open and you admire the contents from where you stand. You have shown your worthiness and may take the pendant and learn about a vital part of the Vampire history.

Chailey’s Sun Pendant: Long ago this pendant was forged in the fires deep within Slavic Europe. The center of the charm contains moondust collected centuries ago which sparkles the brightest when worn around the neck of a vampire. When one is wearing the necklace, they are protected by the moon. This allows them to walk in the sunlight for small amounts of time. The pendant also soothes the vampire’s bloodlust when around humans and animals, which allows them to walk freely amongst them. This particular pendant was forged for Irina Alexandrov many years after the end of the First Vampire and Werewolf war. She wore it constantly for protection until the day she fled to the manor. That night she locked it in a glass case protected by an enchantment. Only those worthy of its knowledge may learn the pendant’s history. No one wore that pendant till the day the first Vampire Queen was crowned. Irina released the spell on the case, allowing Chailey to retrieve it. The queen has had an extra layer of protection from that day on.

Burnt Photograph: A family photograph that is burnt around the edges and slightly melted. The photograph itself seem to be a few hundred years old. While most of the faces have been blurred out, the past Vampire leader can be seen in the middle. Stood beside him is Ray Larkspur.

Mercury Sword: Stained with dried blood, this ancient weapon forged from mercury hasn’t been used in a very long time.

According to Lana Cook, she only eats Blood-Pops. This shows that not all Vampires are savages.
Victoria Red was searching for books about potion properties, the “fantasized cure”, powerful potion ingredients, “superior brewing”, and Jong Doge. These are relevant to the supposed Lycanthropy and Vampirism cure.
Kallista Fawley is Chailey’s best friend, who was killed. Her ghost is trapped in a mirror in the Vampire Manor. She said that the Vampires are cold, but will warm up to new people. The Vampires have been wronged in the past, so it’s no surprise that they are cold and suspicious towards anyone they haven’t met before. However, as Chailey’s best friend, Kallista is biased in favor of the Vampires. She shouldn’t be ignored, but it would be wise to not believe that she has your best interests in mind – especially if you are a werewolf or someone the Vampires dislike. Kalista Fawley is related to Brutus Fawley, a Werewolf.
Selene Villarreal survived the second Werewolf and Vampire war. She confirms that Ray helped the Vampires.
Irina warns the player to be careful with the pendant, as well as what they’ve discovered about Vampire history. She said that “if the information you seek gets into the wrong hands trouble will arise”. This may be a hint that the information that the Vampires provide us about the war conflicts with information found elsewhere (perhaps from other sources, such as the Werewolves).
Alexie Mortemcare mentions someone but calls them “he”, not by name. This is a different “he” than who was mentioned by the Ministry. Alexie was talking about Ray Larkspur, not the Minister. She believed that Ray would be furious if he knew that people were poking around the Vampire Manor, looking for clues and bits of information.
The information about the seven original Vampires was very interesting. Each of the original Vampires are connected to the Seven Deadly Sins: Pride (Zora Miloslava), Greed (Lupin Petrov), Wrath (Lazlo Petrov), Lust (Elizavetta Kriska), Gluttony (Tadeusz Kazowski), Envy (Sonia Kazlow), and Sloth (Irina Alexandrov). From these descriptions, it is discovered that the Vampires first discovered the witch’s blood, the ingredient the Vampires and Werewolves have recently fought over, in the Werewolf Cave. However, they didn’t know what it was at the time – it was said to be a mysterious potion ingredient. Vampirism is a curse, not an illness. Instead of a virus, Vampirism was created by Baba Yaga, who cast the ‘Curse of the Bat’. Like an illness, Vampirism is spread through bites. This curse is therefore transmitted via infected saliva in the bloodstream, similar to Lycanthropy. Ray Larkspur’s backstory is also shown here. The group of traveling Vampires he was with found the manor, and the leader of the group, Nicolai Konstantawicz, was made the leader of the Vampires. Nicolai was an extremely powerful Vampire. He had mind-control abilities, and as far as we know, he is the only of his kind with this ability. Ray stepped up after Nicolai’s death. He became the leader of a rogue group of Vampires. All of the tombstones show that Vampires were forced to flee after the war.

Item Descriptions:
The bookcase described the end of the second Vampire and Werewolf war. The Werewolves, desperate for victory, stormed the Vampire Manor and won – the Vampires being unprepared for the attack. It said that the leader of the Vampires with mind-controlling powers (Nicolai Konstantawicz) was beheaded, all of the inner-circle members except for Ray Larkspur were killed, and that he sent the surviving Vampires to safety. This information is proven accurate in Ray’s Diary. It is also true that Irina Alexandrov is alive and trapped in the crypt. With the majority of the information presented being proven true, it is reasonable to believe that Ray Larkspur is alive and has been steadily rebuilding the Vampires.
Ray Larkspur, now Ray Lightwood, is related to Rani Lightwood – Rani’s previous last name was Larkspur.
The Scattered Diary Pages show fragments of Ray’s thoughts towards the end of the war. He wrote that the Werewolves were on their way to the manor. The Vampires are preparing for the worst (war), and their trying to maintain their numbers. The Werewolves outnumbered the Vampires, and Ray wanted the Vampires to flee to a safe location. There were more Werewolves storming the manor than Ray expected. If he knew the outcome beforehand, Ray would have stopped Nicolai from approving of going to war, rather than fleeing. He believed that Nicolai didn’t need to die, and that he will never forget that.
There is a section of torn-out pages. There are 119 entries missing, and only 1 remaining. The missing entries documented the task force’s counterattack – one page for every Vampire in the task force. Ray’s documentation of the event is most likely the only entry that remained. These entries were most likely ripped out by a Werewolf who found the diary before the player.
Ray’s Diary is a trustworthy source of the war – dare I say more trustworthy than any documentation of the war the Werewolves may show. The Werewolves, as the victors in the war, are far more likely to show bias than the Vampires. Interestingly, the Vampires sound more human than the Werewolves, who seem to have lost their humanity during the war.
Chailey’s Sun Pendant is extremely important. It allows her to walk in the sun and soothes her bloodlust. Chailey can pass as a human with this pendant in her possession.
The Burnt Photograph proves that Ray Larkspur and Nicolai Konstantawicz were real people. This picture is also described as a “family photograph”, implying that Ray Larkspur and Nicolai Konstantawicz are related. Therefore, Rani Lightwood would also be related to Nicolai.
The Mercury Sword was used to kill werewolves (Werewolves are harmed by mercury) during the First or Second Vampire and Werewolf war. It is described as ancient and has not been used in a very long time. What I found interesting was that mercury is a liquid at room temperature, and extremely malleable. It’s most likely enchanted to stay solid and sharp.


Minecraft IGN: Melioraa
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Your entire analysis was incrediable! I can tell wait to see what you say about future events!! :)