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Academics Weekly Assignment — August 7th, 2022

Welcome to the Academics weekly assignment for the week of August 7th, 2022! These weekly assignments will give our Professors the ability to showcase some of their lesson ideas here on the website. Each assignment will be posted for a week, in which everyone will be able to read about the topic and respond to the assignment prompt. This week's assignment is "Magical Debate - Wiggleworms at Hogsworth" created by Toad (ElizabethTheToad).

The assignment is as follows:
Those of us who come from non-magical backgrounds can have a bit of a culture shock when it comes to some wizarding customs. One area that wizards and Unmagicals differ in is cuisine! It’s fairly uncommon for those in the Unmagical part of the UK to eat bugs, but in the magical part, it’s not necessarily out of place. Specifically, Wiggleworms are often eaten by wizarding folk, even in school.

If you’ve spoken to the Magical Cuisine Professor in the Hogsworth Kitchens, you’ll know that he likes to make the Fungimun Bundt Cake. Two of the four main ingredients of this cake are obtained from Wiggleworms!

However, while some of you may be fine with consuming Wiggleworms, that isn’t the whole story. The Magical Cuisine Professor actually gets the Wiggleworms from the Quad, a grassy outdoor area surrounded by classrooms. The Quad gets a lot of foot traffic with students often cutting across it to get to their classes. The Wiggleworm infestation of the Quad started a long time ago, but the Grounds Keeper has yet to get rid of them.

The Wiggleworms the Magical Cuisine Professor uses are unregulated pests that are subject to tampering by students. Some pesky students may stomp on them or even cast on them. In fact, the Magical Cuisine Professor often had students go and kill the Wiggleworms for him! This means that there is a possibility that the Wiggleworms are not safe to eat, but he feeds them to students anyway!

Do you think the Magical Cuisine Professor should continue to use these Wiggleworms in his food? Would you ever eat a cake that he bakes or would you be too worried about the Wiggleworm tampering? Why or why not?

Please make sure to write at least 5 full sentences to get AC for this assignment! Your assignment must be entirely written by you and may not be plagiarized (including copying anything from online sources, books, or movie plots) in any way. Assignments must follow all PotterworldMC rules, which can be found here; assignments that do not follow all PotterworldMC rules will be subject to punishment. If your assignment does not meet the requirements, you will be unable to redo your assignment for this week. Assignments are due at 12am PST on Sunday, August 14th, 2022. You may submit as soon as you would like, but any assignments submitted after that time will not receive grades. You may receive up to 20 ACs for your submission. House points will not be awarded to any submissions. If you have any questions, please reach out to a Jr. Professor, Sr. Professor, Academics Advisor, Academics Lead or Head of Academics on Discord.

Click here to submit your assignment, and click here to view your submission.
