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Academics Weekly Assignment — September 25th, 2022

Welcome to the Academics weekly assignment for the week of September 25th, 2022! These weekly assignments will give our Professors the ability to showcase some of their lesson ideas here on the website. Each assignment will be posted for a week, in which everyone will be able to read about the topic and respond to the assignment prompt. This week's assignment is "Wizarding Fashion - Hair Chalk" created by Lyra (myriadofanger).

The assignment is as follows:
Stemming from the 2000s Unmagical hair chalk trend, the magical counterpart has a very interesting origin story. During this time, the two daughters of a witch by the name of Sybil Warner had begged to be allowed to use Unmagical hair chalk. Sybil was anxious that this would cause her daughters to become reliant on Unmagical products, so she forbade the usage of hair chalk. However, guilt soon crept into Mrs. Warner.
Sybil then began to experiment for weeks to create a magical alternative for her daughters. At last, after many tiring hours of work, Sybil made a product. Her daughters were over the moon, wearing it everywhere they could. This prompted Sybil Warner to sell the product to other parents and eventually in magical stores! Unfortunately, the trend died around 5 years later in both communities, leaving this outstanding product to become a part of history.

The product is very simple to use. Just like Unmagical hair chalk, the product should be run under warm water, then one applies it by pulling the targeted hair taut and gliding the chalk down the hair. It might take a few applications for opaque colour. For the magical version, the magical abilities will not get stronger if more chalk is added.
The said properties do limit the number of colours the chalk comes in. While Unmagical hair chalk has a wide range, there are only 5 magical hair chalks that correspond to their abilities:
  • Red: This colour grants the user the ability to heat liquid.
  • Blue: This colour lets the user breathe underwater for a short period of time.
  • White: This colour allows the user to phase through thin enough objects.
  • Purple: This colour grants the ability to transfigure small objects wandlessly with ease.
  • Yellow: This colour is the oddity. It is incredibly expensive and hard to find, leading to it being more a collectable than a practical hair chalk. This chalk lets the user teleport a short distance.

For the assignment prompt, you will have two different options! Please specify in your answer which one you pick. You only have to pick one prompt to answer for full credit.
  1. Imagine you have stumbled across a box of Sybil Warner’s old hair chalks! Intrigued, you rummage through it. Which hair chalks do you find? Do you manage to find the rare yellow colour, or do you only find the basic red, purple, white, or blue? What do you do with the hair chalk? Does it help you in some way, or is it mainly for fashion? Be creative!
  2. You decide that the hair chalk trend needs to come back in the magical world. You pick up Sybil’s old recipe and begin production! What new colours do you make, and what does each colour do? Do you give them names? How do sales do? Does the trend come back strong, or does it die back out? Be creative!

Please make sure to write at least 5 full sentences to get AC for this assignment! Your assignment must be entirely written by you and may not be plagiarized (including copying anything from online sources, books, or movie plots) in any way. Assignments must follow all PotterworldMC rules, which can be found here; assignments that do not follow all PotterworldMC rules will be subject to punishment. If your assignment does not meet the requirements, you will be unable to redo your assignment for this week. Assignments are due at 12am PST on Sunday, October 2nd, 2022. You may submit as soon as you would like, but any assignments submitted after that time will not receive grades. You may receive up to 20 ACs for your submission. House points will not be awarded to any submissions. If you have any questions, please reach out to a Jr. Professor, Sr. Professor, Academics Advisor, Academics Lead or Head of Academics on Discord.

Click here to submit your assignment, and click here to view your submission.
