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Add PvP in all areas but safe zones (towns, cities, or hogwarts)

Currently, I believe potterworld lacks in player vs player combat. I'm a sixth year right now with above average gear for my level and every time I visit the dueling hall there is nobody there. However, when there is people there they are all graduates with super high level gear and I either get one or two shotted by them because they deal more damage than me and have quadruple the health as me. This really takes the fun out of dueling because what is the point in combat if you have no chance in surviving.

So, I've been thinking and I think that you should be allowed to use spells against other players on anywhere in the map. Towns, cities, and of course hogwarts would be like safe zones with PvP turned off. PvP would only be on if you were outside of those boundaries. This makes grinding for materials a bit more challenging and interesting because you would have to be looking over your shoulder to see if there is anyone else around with the same goal.

However, if you do not want to engage in PvP combat then there should also be a passive mode feature where you cannot attack or be attacked by other players. This would be useful for lower level players who do not have that great of gear or for people who just don't like dueling that much. You wouldn't also be able to disable passive mode if unless you were in a safe zone (town or city). Overall I think that this would make potterworld a lot more interesting for players that would like to engage in player vs player combat more often.


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW
yes please do this. it would be epic. maybe add a nerf for the passive mode at high levels (71-80) so higher risk = higher rewards? like you could make their damage to mobs lower or smthn.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
If you're in passive mode, that's probably because you don't have as much gear. A nerf to those of us with no gear would just make things worse.
yes please do this. it would be epic. maybe add a nerf for the passive mode at high levels (71-80) so higher risk = higher rewards? like you could make their damage to mobs lower or smthn.
If you're in passive mode, that's probably because you don't have as much gear. A nerf to those of us with no gear would just make things worse.
they said high levels 71 - 80 which I think is perfectly reasonable since you already have a lot of gear by then. if anything, it encourages players to get better gear


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW
Very, very few people have no gear at levels 71-80. Unless you were a grad pre-revelius and you skipped through all the levels of gear like I did, you definitely have gear.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Zmiy
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
But why add a punishment for people who just don't want to PVP others? I get the whole like "high risk, high reward" thing, but not everyone is here to duel and so putting them at a disadvantage because they don't want to be attacked on pretty much 75% of the map is completely unfair.

Despite that, I do like this idea and personally I know I'd enjoy if the world was a PVP zone with the towns as safe zones. It'd also encourage people to travel around the map rather than just stay at Hogsworth which I know was something they were hoping for with Revelius.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
I think this is a really, really bad idea.

Maybe it would be ok if you could toggle whether you want to participate in PVP or not (ie, others may only attack you, and you can only attack others if you opt into having PVP on etc) , but I don't think that would be very easily possible.

But otherwise? No. Just no. You can guarantee there's bound to be people that will troll and abuse the pvp system, for example, hanging around in lower level areas and attacking newer people, or just annoyingly attacking people who just want to get on with whatever they are doing, and will be killed and sent back pretty far to a respawn point without even having a choice in the matter. Can you imagine how annoyingly frustrating that would be for many people? It would honestly just put me off playing PW at all because it would just ruin my experience and I bet I'm not the only person who thinks about it like that. Furthermore, Revelius was meant to have the focus on the travelling/exploring, if PVP was a thing and the above kept happening, it would put people off travelling and exploring, also.

If you want to do PVP, there's arenas to do so, and that should be enough.


Minecraft IGN: luckiestblock
Maybe it is just me but while I like this suggestion, I prefer this one here. In this current suggestion you can be surprise attacked and graduates can enter low lvl areas and 1 shot lower years who just want to pvp people of their approxmate lvl. With this other one I linked you can still pvp anywhere but you don't have all of the baggage of it being enabled all the time leading to some pretty unfair fights. Still an interesting idea though.
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I think this is a really, really bad idea.

Maybe it would be ok if you could toggle whether you want to participate in PVP or not (ie, others may only attack you, and you can only attack others if you opt into having PVP on etc) , but I don't think that would be very easily possible.

But otherwise? No. Just no. You can guarantee there's bound to be people that will troll and abuse the pvp system, for example, hanging around in lower level areas and attacking newer people, or just annoyingly attacking people who just want to get on with whatever they are doing, and will be killed and sent back pretty far to a respawn point without even having a choice in the matter. Can you imagine how annoyingly frustrating that would be for many people? It would honestly just put me off playing PW at all because it would just ruin my experience and I bet I'm not the only person who thinks about it like that. Furthermore, Revelius was meant to have the focus on the travelling/exploring, if PVP was a thing and the above kept happening, it would put people off travelling and exploring, also.

If you want to do PVP, there's arenas to do so, and that should be enough.
I said in my post that you could toggle passive mode
But why add a punishment for people who just don't want to PVP others? I get the whole like "high risk, high reward" thing, but not everyone is here to duel and so putting them at a disadvantage because they don't want to be attacked on pretty much 75% of the map is completely unfair.

Despite that, I do like this idea and personally I know I'd enjoy if the world was a PVP zone with the towns as safe zones. It'd also encourage people to travel around the map rather than just stay at Hogsworth which I know was something they were hoping for with Revelius.
Yeah, I just hope to see pvp get added a bit more than it already is though


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Overall I like the idea. Unless it's in a duelling class (where you usually die within 30seconds at most), you only ever really fight mobs. Nobody seems to use the Duelling Halls xD


Minecraft IGN: nathan1e
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Just here to say that personally, I wouldn't like this if it was forced on me. That is to say, I would dislike it if I didn't have an option to turn off pvp mode. The reason for this is because personally I do not play PW for the sake of PVP, but for many other features it offers. I suck at dueling, I dislike dueling and while exploring the world beyond the walls of Hogsworth castle, I want to be able to do that in a peaceful manner, without having to look over my shoulder every time in fear of being attacked and losing gear durability. I also have a habit of going AFK on a tree, and I don't want to risk being killed on a tree while being AFK just because I don't want to leave an area while doing something IRL.

Furthermore, what about mob grinding? Suppose I want to go to the runespore area and go grind some runespores. Chances are that someone else simultaneously wants to go grind runespores. But if we happen to be in the same area, idk, we might annoy each other by killing a runespore in front of the other while the other was busy killing it. If this provokes a fight, it defeats the idea of mobs having to be grinded, since higher level players are practically able to dominate a mob area, disallowing lower years (or people with gear that isn't as good) to go and grind mobs. Personally I see that working very badly if this server aims to encourage players to go and grind mobs.

Idk, this is just how I personally see it. I've always liked PW for the fact that it allows players to choose what they want to do. Want to do professions? Go ahead. Don't want to do professions? Don't bother, cuz you can easily get those items from chests, that sort of thing. I feel this suggestion would completely go against that sort of "basic rule" as it would practically force players to duel even if they don't want it.


Minecraft IGN: MagmaC4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
If this idea was implemented it would pretty much have to be exactly like the War Mode in World of Warcraft. I'm going to include the gist of it and things that have already been said here.
  • Toggleable in your alliances main city. This would obviously be different in Potterworld, and probably would be toggleable in every town since the map is so small compared to WoW's. This is so the system can't abused when players encounter another and quickly turn it off so they can't get killed, but then turn it on while they're questing to get the reward for having war mode on.
  • A reward for having it on. The reward in WoW is a 30% increase in XP gain. This is pretty significant so there's incentive for players to have it on. The post earlier saying that you would do less damage to mobs if you don't have it on isn't a great idea. In WoW's earlier years Blizzard decided to add a feature called "Fatigue". Fatigue pretty much reduced the amount of XP you gained the longer you were on the game, this was implemented so they could discourage players from staying on too long. Almost all the feedback on it was negative and players were saying to remove it. Blizzard decided the remove the feature, but added something else that was keeping the original idea of keeping players from playing long hours. They added rested XP. You would gain rested XP whenever you logged off for a period of time in a town. In general the player base was pretty happy with the change. Instead of discouraging players from playing long hours they encouraged players to log off once in a while. So if they were going to add a PvP mode on Potterworld they would have to encourage players to have it on, but not change the gameplay experience if you don't have it on.
  • A reward for killing people. I'm not exactly sure what it was in WoW because I didn't play the PvP modes that much, but I think you got a thing called "Honor" for killing players. You would use this Honor to exchange it for rewards and XP. If there wasn't any reward for killing players, everyone would just agree to not fight and reap the rewards of having it on. People would only kill others just cause they can. There needs to be a reward for killing players. But if PW does add a reward for killing players it could easily be abused by just killing a group of people over and over again. There would have to a cooldown on each person you kill for a couple days, or a week. Or there could be a debuff on the player that gets killed, but people would just get alts on and kill them.
  • PVP scaling. This means a lvl 100 can fight a lvl 60 and it would be "fair". Blizzard still hasn't perfected it after a decade so I don't think PW could do it right. PVP scaling in WoW pretty much averages both players' gear and makes it a level fight.
But otherwise? No. Just no. You can guarantee there's bound to be people that will troll and abuse the pvp system, for example, hanging around in lower level areas and attacking newer people, or just annoyingly attacking people who just want to get on with whatever they are doing, and will be killed and sent back pretty far to a respawn point without even having a choice in the matter. Can you imagine how annoyingly frustrating that would be for many people? It would honestly just put me off playing PW at all because it would just ruin my experience and I bet I'm not the only person who thinks about it like that. Furthermore, Revelius was meant to have the focus on the travelling/exploring, if PVP was a thing and the above kept happening, it would put people off travelling and exploring, also.
The original post even said that it was an opt-in sort of thing. You choose to have it on or not. It's on the player themselves if they want to risk dying for the potential reward they get from having it on. Personally when I played WoW for a bit whenever I had War Mode on I would get killed pretty much every day, but I leveled wayyy quicker than I would have if I didn't have it on. It's up to you whether or not you want it on.

Honestly I don't think that a PvP mode should be added to Potterworld though. It's a lot of development time that has to be invested in it and there's a decent chance they won't do it right. This would be a big project and I'd rather have other features over this. It's a cool concept, but it's only gonna stay like that.
If this idea was implemented it would pretty much have to be exactly like the War Mode in World of Warcraft. I'm going to include the gist of it and things that have already been said here.
  • Toggleable in your alliances main city. This would obviously be different in Potterworld, and probably would be toggleable in every town since the map is so small compared to WoW's. This is so the system can't abused when players encounter another and quickly turn it off so they can't get killed, but then turn it on while they're questing to get the reward for having war mode on.
  • A reward for having it on. The reward in WoW is a 30% increase in XP gain. This is pretty significant so there's incentive for players to have it on. The post earlier saying that you would do less damage to mobs if you don't have it on isn't a great idea. In WoW's earlier years Blizzard decided to add a feature called "Fatigue". Fatigue pretty much reduced the amount of XP you gained the longer you were on the game, this was implemented so they could discourage players from staying on too long. Almost all the feedback on it was negative and players were saying to remove it. Blizzard decided the remove the feature, but added something else that was keeping the original idea of keeping players from playing long hours. They added rested XP. You would gain rested XP whenever you logged off for a period of time in a town. In general the player base was pretty happy with the change. Instead of discouraging players from playing long hours they encouraged players to log off once in a while. So if they were going to add a PvP mode on Potterworld they would have to encourage players to have it on, but not change the gameplay experience if you don't have it on.
  • A reward for killing people. I'm not exactly sure what it was in WoW because I didn't play the PvP modes that much, but I think you got a thing called "Honor" for killing players. You would use this Honor to exchange it for rewards and XP. If there wasn't any reward for killing players, everyone would just agree to not fight and reap the rewards of having it on. People would only kill others just cause they can. There needs to be a reward for killing players. But if PW does add a reward for killing players it could easily be abused by just killing a group of people over and over again. There would have to a cooldown on each person you kill for a couple days, or a week. Or there could be a debuff on the player that gets killed, but people would just get alts on and kill them.
  • PVP scaling. This means a lvl 100 can fight a lvl 60 and it would be "fair". Blizzard still hasn't perfected it after a decade so I don't think PW could do it right. PVP scaling in WoW pretty much averages both players' gear and makes it a level fight.

The original post even said that it was an opt-in sort of thing. You choose to have it on or not. It's on the player themselves if they want to risk dying for the potential reward they get from having it on. Personally when I played WoW for a bit whenever I had War Mode on I would get killed pretty much every day, but I leveled wayyy quicker than I would have if I didn't have it on. It's up to you whether or not you want it on.

Honestly I don't think that a PvP mode should be added to Potterworld though. It's a lot of development time that has to be invested in it and there's a decent chance they won't do it right. This would be a big project and I'd rather have other features over this. It's a cool concept, but it's only gonna stay like that.
I like most of your points about the xp system and such but it honestly wouldn't take that long to implement it. Potterworld uses WorldGuard and it takes a few seconds to setup a region and disable spells.


Minecraft IGN: MagmaC4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I like most of your points about the xp system and such but it honestly wouldn't take that long to implement it. Potterworld uses WorldGuard and it takes a few seconds to setup a region and disable spells.
I was talking about the extra steps they needed to take if they were going to add this. In my original post I said there needs to be a reward for having it on, that's development time. There needs to be a reward for killing people because what's the point of it at all if people only killed just cause they can, that's development time. And there's a good chance this PvP mode would be awfully unbalanced if they didn't have PvP scaling, which itself is horrible in most games. That's a lot of development time for that as well and they would likely need to make new tech for all of that as well. Maybe if they only did what you suggested in your original post there wouldn't be a whole lot of development time, but there wouldn't be a whole lot of content or purpose at all.


Potterworld Legend
Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Grounds Keeper Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Wizencouncil Class Helper SPEW Sr. Prefect Drooble's Order Linked
Hello everyone!
As this is a duplicate of this, I will be moving this thread.
Rest assured that this thread will also be discussed and looked at, as there are various new points made in this discussion.
Nevertheless, thank you for making a suggestion and have a great day!