The following list is a collection of rules specific to Tournaments and Challenges on PotterworldMC. It’s a player’s responsibility to know and follow these rules at all times. Some, but not all rules will be clarified again in a Tournament or Challenge. All PotterworldMC Server rules also apply to Tournaments and Challenges.
General rules:
Flying, Sledding, and Star Racing-specific rules:
Dueling and Plasma Showdown-specific rules:
Game-specific rules:
Arena Protocol:
The following list is a collection of protocols specific to Tournaments and Challenges on PotterworldMC. These actions will be taken if any rules are broken.
General Protocol:
Dueling-Specific Protocol:
Flying-Specific Protocol:
Seasonal Challenges:
Game-specific Tournaments:
General rules:
- Players may only attend a challenge or tournament on one account at a time.
- Players must not throw a challenge or tournament.
- Players must not stall a challenge or tournament in spite, for purposes aside from strategy.
- No Animorphus spells are allowed.
- No arguing, cheating, bribing, or hackusations.
- Do not purposefully disrupt the challenge or the Arena team.
- This includes but is not limited to:
- Casting spells on the Arena team.
- Casting spells in the stands.
- Hiding from a teleport.
- Hiding from the Arena team.
- This includes but is not limited to:
- Players must not boost/rig the Arena Score Leaderboard in any manner.
- This includes but is not limited to:
- Attending a challenge or tournament on an account that is not owned by the player participating.
- Organised and intentional throwing to favour another player or team.
- Bribing others to leave a challenge.
- This includes but is not limited to:
Flying, Sledding, and Star Racing-specific rules:
- Players cannot cross the start line of a course before magic is turned on.
- Players are only allowed to use the broom, sled, or star racer provided, other magical items are not allowed.
- Players may only race when it is their turn.
- No robes, armour, or hats can be worn.
Dueling and Plasma Showdown-specific rules:
- Players are only allowed to use their wand, other magical items are not allowed.
- Prohibited items include plants, potions, brooms, or other non-essential magical items such as trophies or bombtastic bombs.
Game-specific rules:
- During tournaments, you can play on alt accounts so long as they are not used to fill a queue and are actively playing (they cannot be afk).
Arena Protocol:
The following list is a collection of protocols specific to Tournaments and Challenges on PotterworldMC. These actions will be taken if any rules are broken.
General Protocol:
- All Potterworld rules apply, you can do /rules to view them.
- Do not be purposefully disruptive to the Arena Team or other players.
- Flying: You will receive one warning, and if you continue then you will be kicked.
- Dueling: You will receive one warning, and if you continue then you will be kicked.
- This includes attacking an Arena Team member with spells while they are hosting/helping.
- This also includes attacking your own teammate after the duel is over or refusing to duel your opponent(s).
- Casting spells in the stands.
- Hiding from a teleport.
- Hiding from the Arena team.
- Tie:
- An additional race/duel will be hosted to decide the winner.
- While dueling, if both duelists die at the same time, the round will be redone
- If both duelist die, but one dies before the other, the round will go to the person who died last
- If the host is unable to determine who won the round, the round will be redone
- Teammate leaves (intention of not returning):
- If a player disconnects without the intention of returning, the remaining team members have 2 minutes to find a replacement (with or without help from the Arena Team). If the remaining team members are not able to find a replacement within those 2 minutes, they will be kicked with appropriate rewards from the Challenge/Tournament.
- Arena Tokens
- Challenges
- Players will get a minimum of 5 AT for participating.
- If players make it past qualifiers, they will receive 8 AT for participating (for teams not in 1st thru 4th place).
- Tournaments
- Players will get a minimum of 8 AT for participating.
- If players make it past qualifiers, they will receive 12 AT for participating (for teams not in 1st thru 4th place).
- Challenges
- Players may only attend a challenge or tournament on one account at a time.
- Players must not throw a challenge or tournament.
- Players must not boost/rig the Arena Score Leaderboard in any manner.
- This includes but is not limited to:
- Attending a challenge or tournament on an account that is not owned by the player participating.
- Organised and intentional throwing to favour another player or team.
- This includes but is not limited to:
- Players that repeatedly break the rules across multiple challenges and tournaments will receive the second step of protocol when breaking rules as they should already know the rules and have previously received multiple warnings.
Dueling-Specific Protocol:
- You are only allowed to use your wand, other magical items are not allowed.
- No Animorphus spells are allowed.
- If you use one, you will be warned.
- If you continue to use this spell, you will be kicked.
- Arena Member accidentally heals player during duel:
- The duel will be restarted.
- Staff cast when they shouldn't:
- The duel will be restarted.
- False Start (this includes players running to the other side before the duel starts):
- The duel will be restarted.
- No Stalling:
- First, you will receive a warning.
- If you continue to stall, your team will be disqualified and kicked without AT.
- If a player disconnects (due to lag, crashing, etc. [with intention of returning]):
- An arena member will give the player time to return by either:
- Proceeding to the next team and allowing them to duel before checking to see if the player has returned
- Giving the player exactly 2 minutes to return
- If the player does not return within the allotted time, then proceed with Teammate leaves (intention of not returning) protocol.
- An arena member will give the player time to return by either:
- If a player disconnects on purpose as a form of trolling or with no intention of coming back without communicating to the team etc.:
- An arena member will proceed with the following:
- Proceed by automatically disqualifying the player who left.
- (specific to 1v1).
- Reach out to the remaining player, and discuss if they’d like to go against the loser of the round listed after theirs so they have a chance to duel.
- If not to the following, automatically give the player the win from the round their opponent left.
- If this occurred during a teamed challenge (2v2+) - the other team shall automatically win the round.
- Kick the losing teammate from the challenge (reward if they have already dueled before their teammate left).
- An arena member will proceed with the following:
- If there are 5 teams or less in attendance, the challenge will be a round-robin. If there are 6 or more teams in attendance, the host will decide whether to host a single or double-elimination challenge.
- Tournament Specific:
- If there are 5 teams or less attending, the Tournament will automatically become a round-robin. The host can decide between 2 or 3 rounds. If there are 6 or more teams in attendance, the host will decide whether to host a single or double-elimination Tournament.
- If both players forfeit a duel, then both players will be marked as having lost the duel (and will receive the lesser rewards, if forfeiting within the top 4).
- In a team dueling challenge, if a teammate leaves the challenge, the team will be given the option to duel with the acknowledgement that they will be down a player. (This will be a third option between (1) finding them a new teammate that has not participated in the challenge yet, (2) playing with a man down, and (3) forfeiting the duel. Players are allowed to decide on any of the above options.)
Flying-Specific Protocol:
- Beginning the race past the starting line is not allowed.
- If the Arena Team catches it at the beginning, the race will be restarted.
- If caught while rewatching the recording, the team will receive last place.
- No robes, armor, or hats whatsoever.
- This does not include gear.
- If caught wearing hats, robes, armor:
- First step - Warning
- Second step - Kick
- Qualified Teams per challenge type:
- 1v1 - 12 teams
- 2v2 - 8 teams
- 3v3 thru 5v5 - 6 teams
- Getting Stuck:
- Player - Announce in chat that you are stuck! Otherwise, an Arena Member will not know to help. Give the Arena Team a little time/patience to help you.
- An Arena Member must help the stuck player in order to let them continue/finish the race.
- You are only allowed to use the broom we provide, other magical items are not allowed.
- If caught using another broom, you will be warned.
- If you continue to use a different broom, you will be kicked without AT.
- Two people from the same team fly at the same time:
- The teammate that is written in the flight order will be allowed to continue to fly, whereas the other teammate will be tp-ed back.
- If an Arena Member does not catch that both team members flew, then the team will be given last place.
- Arena Team accidentally tps racer mid-flight:
- In order to give all teams a fair chance, the race will be restarted.
- Staff cast when they shouldn't:
- If the Arena Team catches it at the beginning, the race will be restarted.
- If the Arena Team catches it while rewatching the recording, then the team will be given last place.
- False Start:
- If the Arena Team catches it at the beginning, the race will be restarted OR the player will be tped back to the beginning and given a warning.
- If the Arena Team catches it while rewatching the recording, then the team will be given last place.
- Team switches order of flying:
- An Arena member will message you to clarify the flying order, as the team should have lined up in proper order when teams were being written down.
- If this happens again during the challenge, they will receive last place.
- If a player disconnects (due to lag, crashing, etc. [with intention of returning]):
- If it is a 1v1, the player will be given last place.
- If it is a 2v2+ Challenge/Tournament:
- If the disconnected player was not the last flier for the team, the next flier will be encouraged to fly to give the disconnected player time to return.
- If the disconnected player returns, the disconnected player will become the last flier, but only for the duration for that race/map.
- If they do not return before all players have finished flying the race, the team will be given last place.
- If the player is the last flier for the team, the team will be given last place.
- If the disconnect happens between races, the player has exactly 2 minutes to return before the race will begin without them.
- If the disconnected player was not the last flier for the team, the next flier will be encouraged to fly to give the disconnected player time to return.
- If the teammate does not return at all, then proceed with Teammate leaves (intention of not returning) protocol.
Seasonal Challenges:
- Star Racing and Sledding will follow the same protocol as Flying.
- Plasma Showdown will follow the same protocol as Dueling.\
Game-specific Tournaments:
- Regarding alts, we will only give rewards to one account. All other accounts will not receive rewards regardless of placement on the leaderboard.
- You may not forfeit your leaderboard place and receive the lesser rewards. You are allowed to completely withdraw from the tournament entirely. In order to do this, you must message the Lead Arena Master or Head of Academics before the tournament ends.
- If you are caught leaving minigame tournaments in order to boost your tournament score, you will not be eligible to receive tournament rewards. (This is against Arena rules only. Not server rules.)