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Bag Saving Idea


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: WhaleBoi
Phoenix Raven
a short summary of this idea is to save your place wherever you are in the enchanted backpack/book bag/etc

for example, if you exit your book bag while reading a recipe, and you want to continue going back and forth between the recipe and your gameplay, you don't have to continue clicking multiple times, you could just click the book bag once and it will bring you where you were. it should also be the same with the enchanted backpack. in order to return to what the enchanted backpack/book bag/etc originally looked like, you could do a shift click, which would basically do what it does now.

this idea would be extremely helpful for everyone, and its not like a huge gameplay update, it would just be a nice quality of life thing. sure, it's only a few steps to find the recipe book, however for people with bad memory like me, people wouldn't need to click 15+ times in a few minutes in order to make sure they have the recipe they want, or they have certain items, etc.

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Lore Master SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead
Hello @WhaleBoi !!

We like this idea and have a nice way to do it. We think it would help players a lot because we understand it can be tedious using the bags.

Thank you again for this suggestion! We really appreciate it. I hope you have a wonderful day/night:serpent: