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Bring back Professions


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
I think professions should come back because I liked going out and getting the resources for the Herbology, Cooking, and Potions Professions because I felt it was very fun for me plus It might go well with the revamp because your exploring in the world and you're gathering resources all over the world other then Hogsworth to gather mob drops and other plant resources for shopping trading, gear recipes. Plus it was a fun activity to do in the mean if you're bored if your not going to search/hunt down gear recipes for the time being like doing professions feels like going to a club after school as an option or if you got nothing better to do of trying to upgrade your profession to a higher rank for your plants, cooking, or potions. But this time you get 3 instead of having 2 and being forced to get rid of cooking potions over the other 1 because It felt like unfair to just 2 out 3 professions in total plus before the Revelius it felt like a time limit and there was no exact date to get it now it's not available to the people who played in 2016 or in the past and it feels unfair to get rid all your hard work for nothing over and update and you can't get you're free titles now after you just legit could only get 1 or 2 profession titles just for maxing it and nothing having enough time for the other profession and have to reset the cooking or potions because the game said "You can only have 2" Professions at time of being able to keep Herbology but no cooking *AND* potions professions. It would be cool to add back professions and being able to get all professions available instead of 2 I remember 1 the staff saying It will never back but Please it would be nice to pass the time of waiting for class, or doing something fun with your friends in the meantime of having the same or different skills depending what they want to do in the game, skills, and professions.
P.S: This is my 10 forum today lol XD DX I'm going to stop now (Hopefully) Before I fill up the feedback and suggestions up to the brim or max due to me going Crazy with my Idea's inside my head lol XD
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Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Game Designer Lead
Heya! Thank you for bringing up your suggestion to us! I really like seeing the ideas that people have for the server, and that they are willing to bring it to the team.

The old professions system was good because of the leveling system and rewards that it brought, but fell short in the fact that it wasn't useful and was very repetitive. It also cost an extreme amount of gold to master a profession. The new system has some similar issues, as well as the fact that there is no longer an overall reward. This goes to show that each version of professions has its own issues.

While we will be declining this suggestion, we are currently looking for a solution that will help solve the issues that are associated with both professions systems - one that will make professions useful, as well as rewarding. With every version of the professions system that isn't quite right, we are able to gain valuable insight and become closer to finding a version of professions that is fun, worthwhile, and our players can be happy with.