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Budleigh Babberton as a future town.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
Budleigh Babberton. This is the town in which Slughorn lives in during Albus Dumbledore's visit. It's described to have a church and a quite a few houses. In the movies, you might recognise this;

It would be a nice touch and once again add another layer on to the Harry Potter universe and provides variety in towns, as this is an Unmagical Village. It is situated somewhere in England.


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Greetings Matty,

Thanks for suggesting an idea! We are always looking for ideas that benefit the server, and we appreciate you for bring it forward!

I'll bring your idea forth and we'll discuss whether it can be implemented or not. I'll reply back once we've reached a decision, so make sure to keep an eye out for a response on the thread!


Minecraft IGN: Khails
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire VIP Werewolf DD Writer WizNetworker
Greetings @MattyPoltergeist,

Once again, thank you so much for taking the time to create a suggestion! We're so appreciative of you and your suggestions for the server, and we're super excited to see that you're constantly suggesting ideas for us to improve!

I’ve brought up your suggestion to the rest of the staff team, and we think that having Budleigh Babberton is a great idea! We will begin looking for a good location and what the town might include in terms of gameplay, so you should be expecting to see this town to be implemented in the future! Make sure to keep an eye out for any announcements on the discord and/or website to see when this town might be implemented! Again, thank you for taking the time to submit this suggestion! I'm super excited to see what all this town might include!

Have a great day,