Hello everyone!
We are excited to kick off the new year with some exciting changes to Housing and parties, alongside our regular bug fixes and improvements, and of course some fun additions to Party Games.
We hope you enjoy these updates!
Housing Co-Owners
For a while people have been asking about tweaking several things about housing to do with who can place paintings or item frames, and who can access it and not access it. As such we have created Housing Co-Owners.
Players are able to add someone to their housing as a co-owner by doing
/h addowner <IGN>
, they will then have an elevated status (above residents) that allows them to change all parts of a Housing and bypass all restrictions (minus resetting the housing plot or changing the scenery).You are also now able to restrict access to co-owners only, preventing residents from accessing your plot, by doing
/h access residents off
.We are very excited about these changes and hope that you enjoy them!
Party Visibility
Back in December we softly rolled out a new feature to parties known as party visibility. This allows players to toggle the visibility of party members when you are in areas where players are usually hidden such as world echoes, classes, quests and more! This setting is always on by default and can be toggled by doing
/party visibility
. Party Games
It would not be a proper patch note without including some changes to Party Games, as such we have made the following changes:
- Capture the Pixies: Explosive Pixies no longer automatically spawn, instead after random number of seconds, if a pixie has not been captured, it will turn into an explosive pixie.
- Dungeon Escape: Holograms now appear above each of the dungeon doors displaying what spell players need to cast in order to get through.
We have also made the following two changes to Party Games as a whole:
- We have added support for rejoining specific games if players quit, this means if you quit during a non-elimination game such as Choose the Potion or Parkour Race, you will be able to rejoin right in and continue playing without being put into spectator mode
- All gamemodes now place their wands/items into your allocated wand slot on the main server, this means if you always hold your wand on the 9th slot on the world, when you are given the Dungeon Escape wand or Knockback Zone wand, it will be placed in your 9th slot
Miscellaneous Bug Fixes & Additions
- Added support for the mana in your hotbar to display the mana of your currently held wand, as opposed to your main wand
- Fixed an issue where join FX would sometimes not play if you joined Potterworld before your data had fully loaded in
- Changed the kill messages that are displayed in the Duelling Halls to broadcast if a player dies to their own spells
- Added support for classes to broadcast when a player dies to the entire server, as opposed to just the killer
- Fixed an issue where the Marketplace would show all items in a shop's stock count, even if they were out of stock and set to be hidden
- Fixed the Marketplace shop default sort option setting not properly changing when edited by players in their shop settings
That is all for now, thank you for reading, and we look forward to delivering you more updates throughout 2025 as well as an update into our server upgrade progress very soon!