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Butterbrew Festival 2023: Option to recycle plushie materials from bag


Minecraft IGN: GreatLordOz
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix
Currently the only way to get Plushie Farm tickets is to directly recycle the materials when you crack open a barrel at Barrel Opener. This leads to some issues since you may want to gather a lot of materials and craft the plushies at a later time. I don't want to sit there calculating which materials I need and don't need on every barrel opening.

I would like to suggest directly being able to convert materials to Plushie Farm tickets either from your bag or some other method after you've already obtained them. This would make crafting a lot easier as you do not have to constantly keep an eye on the materials you have and hope that RNG gives you the materials you need but end up never getting. If you decide you don't want to craft any more plushies, you can simply convert your materials to tickets!

Every other minigame you can wait until the end of the event to purchase the rewards. Plushie Farm is the only minigame where you cannot do that for the Plushie Farm Ticket prizes because of the 30 second cracking per barrel; You would be standing for like 10 hours cracking barrels on the last day. Allowing conversion of materials post-cracking also fixes that issue. (or just remove the 30 second barrel recycling timer)


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Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @GreatLordOz ,

I'm happy to let you know that your suggestion has been accepted! We have now added the ability for players to trade their materials into Plushie Farm Game Tickets from within their bag.

Thank you for your suggestion, and have a wonderful day!