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can i only play no pc?


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: CrymsonTM
Dark Follower Serpent Linked
Hi Live,

I'm sorry but iPad uses Minecraft: Bedrock and we do not support that version.

We only support Minecraft: Java Edition versions 1.10-1.13. You can run Minecraft: Java Edition on Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Hope this helps! :)
Unfortunately, the game is only possible from a PC or laptop. I would also like to soon have the game in a simplified format suitable for tablets and smartphones, but there is no information from the developers about such a development so far. Let's hope they do, and we can enjoy the game. My laptop crashed a few weeks ago, erasing all the game data and achievements. I recovered them using salvagedata.com, but I think if I had played from my phone, this wouldn't have happened.
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