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Can't connect to Server "loading terrain"


Minecraft IGN: LindsYUH
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent VIP SPEW Linked
Hey there!

Try checking out the second question on the technical difficulties FAQ, and click here to view it. Hope this might help!


Minecraft IGN: LindsYUH
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent VIP SPEW Linked
I believe this is an issue that’s being looked into right now, try connecting a bit later and see if that works?


Senior Developer
Minecraft IGN: Alexstrasza14
Staff Phoenix Raven Werewolf SPEW Sr. Developer Linked
Hello Frebii,

I will send you a private message (start conversation) on here to get some more details. I am fairly certain I know the cause and if so, I also know the solution.