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cant log in

i wrote every thing in multiplayer but it says username contains invalid characters
what should i do
it always says like that
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Minecraft IGN: Rhines
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
Hey! While I've never actually met this issue in-game, it seems logging out of Minecraft and logging back in with your username instead of your email will fix the issue. :) If this doesn't work, let me know and I'll try to see what else might fix it. <3


Minecraft IGN: Melioraa
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Heyo @Zahid Kerimov!

We don’t recommend giving out your minecraft username and password. Doing so can expose your account to people who would like to get you in trouble.

As Lizzie suggested, try logging out of your account and logging in with your minecraft in game username instead of your email. Once you have the launcher open, you’ll find that in the top left hand corner that you can see your username. Click this and then hit logout. Afterwards, type your username and password and log back in!

If this doesn’t work, please let us know and we’ll continue to try and fix the issue, as Lizzie has already said.

Best Regards,


Minecraft IGN: Rhines
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
Hey Zahid!
Unfortunately, the server is only accessible on bought and legal Minecraft accounts. I believe this is why you're unable to login, as TLauncher is an illegal and free way to launch Minecraft.
If you'd like to purchase Minecraft, you should refer to their website. But sadly, without a proper Minecraft account, you'll be unable to log on. My apologies for the inconvenience.
As a side note, if you were unaware, free launchers such as TLauncher do have the potential to give viruses, so I'd check to make sure that your PC is clean, and possibly remove the application as to prevent potential technically issues on your end.
Yet again, if you have any questions or need an explanation of something I just said, feel free to PM me or another staff member for assistance. Have a lovely day!