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Command Suggestion!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: SonderRose
Well, I've been playing in this server this week and it seems it's a really cool server. It has a lot of features, many quests and a lot of things to find out while playing in the massive map. So while I was trying some commands, I noticed that there was no AFK or PlayTime command. So my suggestion is to make one command for AFK [/afk], so people know when someone is not online. And my last suggestion for now is to make the PlayTime command [/pt - /playtime], it may sound like a silly idea, but personally I want to know how much time I've spent in the server. Well, these are my suggestions for the current time. I'm waiting for your response!

With love,
Mr. Skill!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Hiya, @xXSkillexZ_!

Thank you for bringing up these suggestions! We always appreciate finding new ways to improve the server and make it the best experience possible for all players! However, this suggestion is similar to a few others that have been brought up. For the /afk command, which is here, it has been declined since going afk is quite harmless and there isn’t much need of it. As for the /playtime command, which is here, it has been accepted and put on hold since this would be a nifty feature to implement that players could benefit from. Your suggestions will be considered as duplicates, but regardless of this, I hope you continue to create and share more ideas!

Have an amazing day!