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cosmetic gear breaks to fast

gjellow i bought the dark follower robes set for 500 gold. but after take 1 imp damage like litterly 1 hit from them, my outfit was half way broken. i think thats kinda unballanced that i buy something for 500 gold but it breaks almost instandly. i hope that it can be fixed beceause i love the fact that i can wear outfits! i just don't have the money to buy 20 outfits each day. my suggestion is to make the armor stronger. i found it no isseu that they can break but maybe make it that it takes longer for them to break.


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf
gjellow i bought the dark follower robes set for 500 gold. but after take 1 imp damage like litterly 1 hit from them, my outfit was half way broken. i think thats kinda unballanced that i buy something for 500 gold but it breaks almost instandly. i hope that it can be fixed beceause i love the fact that i can wear outfits! i just don't have the money to buy 20 outfits each day. my suggestion is to make the armor stronger. i found it no isseu that they can break but maybe make it that it takes longer for them to break.
idk why they made them breakable in the first place, the old robes are unbreakable

astra <3

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: xAstra_
they should also add more cosmetic gear, as far as I'm aware there's only df, phoenix, auralock & the quabbleball set! But yes all gear should be breakable.


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I am fairly sure that it has to do with the health system pw has, as some mobs deal thousands of damage, which doesnt seem much on our health part but the armor lacks the health we have with our gear. I think there could be a way to work around it to make them break slower but making them unbreakable would also work probably, though i doubt that it's an option for the staff team as they decided for a reason to make them unbreakable