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Daily Diviner Feedback Form


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW

The Daily Diviner is a great source of news and entertainment for players to learn what is going on in the Potterworld community and interact with it in a unique way. We recommend taking a look at one of their latest issues if you have not yet done so. We'd also really love to hear your thoughts on the Daily Diviner! We consider player feedback to be very important, as we can use this feedback to improve future articles and content.

Click here to go to the form where you are able to submit any feedback you have about the Daily Diviner. The due date for this form is the 30th of June at 12 PM PST. You will receive 15 AC for filling out this form. You may choose to remain anonymous, however, you will not get AC if you do.