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December 2023 Hidden Coupon - Found

Hidden Coupon Banner.png

Greetings, witches and wizards!

We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! Taking inspiration from past gameplay, we are releasing one hidden gift card/coupon around our world today. This month we have integrated a large amount of feedback to make the hunt even more exciting!

This gift card can only be obtained by one lucky player and is hidden well. It is truly difficult but rewarding to find!

Each gift card can only be obtained once and will give the player who finds it $5.00 to spend for free on our store! Owned coupons can be checked in /me and are valid for 6 months from release. These can be used to purchase items from our store and also lower the price you have to pay for items.

For this month's hidden gift card... Head to the store and find a wintery animal to start your journey!

Update (January 2, 2024):
We are thrilled to announce that the December 2023 hidden coupon has been found! Thank you to everyone who put their effort and time into searching for it. We hope that the puzzles in this month's coupon hunt were enjoyable.

While the coupon is now found, you can still search for it using our store hint to if you want a challenge! The hints are removed once the next hidden coupon is released, but you can still encounter the puzzle on the server.

Please see below for this month's hidden coupon solution and the winners so far!

The December 2023 hidden coupon required players to solve another four-piece puzzle. This time, there was one initial store hint, and further hints were unlocked as items were found.

The first hint was on the Reindeer Guardian: To find the December 2023 hidden coupon, you must solve my puzzle! To begin your journey, search for me near the location where our story started. I'll lead you on a journey of items, finishing with finding a fluffy friend to accompany you on your future adventures!

The Reindeer Guardian model could be found on the upstairs floor of a house in Griffin's Hollow, at 4156 55 8019. When the Reindeer Guardian was found, it shared the following message: I cannot believe you found me! You completed the first part of the December 2023 hidden coupon. Here is a riddle for the next part: During this festive season, a family wants to celebrate a bit extra with a delicious treat. Unfortunately, they lost their basket. Help them find it, and they might give you something in return! This led to the Fruit Basket Warp Key in Luna Hovel, at 3415 37 10426.

When the warp key was found, it shared the message: You have completed the second step of the December 2023 hidden coupon! In the fruit basket, you find a note saying: To celebrate properly, I would love to redesign my wand! I am short on time, but I might find what I need to update it myself. This led to The Clockwork Staff in a time-related store in London, at 2901 66 -210.

Finding The Clockwork Staff shared the message: You have completed the third step of the December 2023 hidden coupon. Now, use the information you have gathered so far to be the first to obtain the coupon!

Using the coloured letters from the three previous messages (i, c, and e), and the initial mention of finding a "fuzzy friend" in the Reindeer Guardian store hint, players had to find the Pet Arctic Fox just outside of the Haunted Shack, at 4619 50 3823.

  • December 2023: _Navyy
  • November 2023: Ellibear
  • October 2023: fxndomgeek
  • September 2023: evphorics
  • August 2023: Idris_
  • July 2023: _Navyy
