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Discord Suggestions Forums Release

Greetings witches and wizards,

We are excited to announce the release of our long-awaited Discord Suggestions Forums! Players will now have the opportunity to submit their feedback and suggestions via the #suggestions-forums channel on our Discord server! We hope that this will bring more discussion, engagement, and accessibility to our forum format.

These forums will adhere to all regular Discord rules which can be found here, as well as guidelines set out by the Poltergeist team, who will be managing the new forums. These guidelines are in the channel description of our forums channel. We'd also like to remind players that the website forums will still be available for players to use for the foreseeable future!

While using these new forums, please keep in mind that this is a completely new system for us, so there may be some issues to work out along the way as we actively use this new platform.

We would also like to take this time to address our recent internal restructure of the Poltergeist team’s process.

In order to maximise the potential of not only our team, but also the suggestions process, we have altered our process to make it more streamlined and provide better accountability measures. For all new forum posts (both on Discord and the web), we aim to bring these up to the Poltergeist team after 1 week of them being on the forums. Poltergeists then have one week to leave feedback on the threads, before it is sent to the relevant department for their final decision. Departments will have 1-2 weeks to leave a final decision, which is then communicated to players. If a decision is set to be On-Hold, each department now has a sheet that contains all their accepted decisions, and they are asked to provide a timeline and rough deadline for the Poltergeists to check in with. This ensures suggestions do not slip away and become forgotten. As part of this process all departments have also been going through old threads and re-evaluating their decisions. We hope that these changes will restore efficiency in the forums, and address recent feedback regarding the use of them!

For any questions about the Discord suggestions forum and how it will function, feel free to message the Head of Tech and Dev (alexis_carstairs), Assistant to Head of Tech and Dev (harriiison.) or the Lead Poltergeist (ashywashyy). We're excited to see the feedback and suggestions that players bring to the new Discord forums!
