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Doors and exploration


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: ShareYourHead
I feel like there should be a thing that automatically closes every door that's been open for a while. Similar to how locked doors shut again automatically, but this would last more like 5 minutes.

This may seem minor, but several times I've been exploring and suddenly I see a door that's already open. This makes me realize that people have already been where I am, and makes my discovery seem less special (of course I know that probably every corner of the map has been scrutinized, but still it messes up my excitement in the moment).
This can also take away some of the challenge of exploration. It's as if all you have to do it follow the trail of open doors in an area and you'll find what you're looking for. This may be nice for some but to me it just defeats the purpose of finding your way somewhere.
And finally (And probably the biggest thing) having all the doors be open all the time just makes the world feel empty and abandoned. It feels like nothing changes since you were in a spot the day before. granted it likely hasn't had anything happen but still. Like why would the train conductor just let the door on the passenger car stay open. or why would all the bathroom doors be open at all times.

Tl;dr: It's annoying that doors don't close automatically for two reasons. Finding an open door makes the discovery on the other side seem less special, and having so many doors just open for no reason makes the world feel abandoned.

Idk maybe this whole thing doesn't make sense. plz let me know if you agree. thanks for reading :)
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Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven
'ello there!

Thank you for your suggestion! I actually have the same issue with doors(both in rl and in-game!) and am really excited about this suggestion you've made! I'm going to bring this up with the rest of the Poltergeist team to get their opinions on it and see how possible it is! Sit tight, I'll get back to you soon as I can!


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven

After reviewing your suggestion with the rest of the team, I come bearing a decision and news! The team have decided that you've made some wonderful points in your suggestion and we entirely agree with you on it. Having doors being open does reduce the feel of exploration and we will be looking into adding this in the future. Unfortunately, while we are going to look at it, it's not currently at the top of our to-do list and we do have other priorities to deal with beforehand. We'll come back to this at a later date to see if this suggestion is a reachable goal.

Again, thank you for your suggestion and we hope to hear more from you in the future!


Minecraft IGN: ZADANeth
Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix
I feel like there should be a thing that automatically closes every door that's been open for a while. Similar to how locked doors shut again automatically, but this would last more like 5 minutes.

This may seem minor, but several times I've been exploring and suddenly I see a door that's already open. This makes me realize that people have already been where I am, and makes my discovery seem less special (of course I know that probably every corner of the map has been scrutinized, but still it messes up my excitement in the moment).
This can also take away some of the challenge of exploration. It's as if all you have to do it follow the trail of open doors in an area and you'll find what you're looking for. This may be nice for some but to me it just defeats the purpose of finding your way somewhere.
And finally (And probably the biggest thing) having all the doors be open all the time just makes the world feel empty and abandoned. It feels like nothing changes since you were in a spot the day before. granted it likely hasn't had anything happen but still. Like why would the train conductor just let the door on the passenger car stay open. or why would all the bathroom doors be open at all times.

Tl;dr: It's annoying that doors don't close automatically for two reasons. Finding an open door makes the discovery on the other side seem less special, and having so many doors just open for no reason makes the world feel abandoned.

Idk maybe this whole thing doesn't make sense. plz let me know if you agree. thanks for reading :)
I feel this. Especially the piece about feeling like all the open doors makes them useless and the world feel abandoned. If they're just open all the time, why not just take them out entirely. But I think your suggestion is a great idea!