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Dueling class


Minecraft IGN: ColaCinema
Dark Follower Serpent Vampire
I wanted to take a moment to provide some constructive feedback regarding the Dueling Class and its handling of game modes. While I appreciate the effort and enthusiasm you bring to the class, I have noticed some inaccuracies in the way certain game modes are presented and named. Firstly, there seems to be a recurring issue with the incorrect naming of game modes. For instance, the term "Hunger Games" is used to describe an "all vs. all" game mode, which is not entirely accurate. The actual "Hunger Games" concept typically involves players competing against one another in a specific arena with limited resources, creating a more intense survival environment. It is essential to use the correct terminology when describing game modes to avoid any confusion among participants. Furthermore, I noticed that the class includes a "group free for all" game mode, which, in essence, contradicts the core principles of a free-for-all format. A free-for-all game mode typically involves every individual player competing independently, without any alliances or groupings. Adding groups to a free-for-all mode fundamentally changes its nature and may lead to misunderstandings among the students.