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Event Idea ~ Stranger Things Edition!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AlliKitz
AlliKitz & Maren_Highwell presents:

*static* *tape starts to whirl* *a cheery face pops up onto the screen* Welcome to the town of Hawkins, Indiana! We are so glad you decided to visit us! Here in this small town we have all of your amenities, grocery store, schools for your children, a movie theater, we even have a new mall that was recently built! Don't mind all the weird noises or power surges, the Hawkins Power and Light Company assures us that it's just a small issue with the electricity, nothing more. Just don't go snooping around places you shouldn't! And from all of us here in Hawkins we welcome yoooouuu... *tape starts cutting out* *tape suddenly stops* *static*

Welcome to


The town of Hawkins, Indiana set in the 1980s. Main areas are The Hawkins Lab/'Hawkins Power and Light', Hawkins High School, The Brylen House, and The 'Starcourt' Mall.

Notes: This would be set in an amalgamation between seasons so there is no particular date or when events happen per say. Any word with quotations like 'this' is possibly/probably copywritten and thus has to be changed. We tried to do our hardest for the rest of them. Any and all names are subject to change.

Will Byers - Wilson Brylen
Joyce Byers - Julia Brylen
Jonathan Byers - Justin Brylen
Mike Wheeler - Miles Wallen
Nancy Wheeler - Nina Wallen
Lucas Sinclair - Leroy Singleton
Erica Sinclair - Elizabeth Singleton
Dustin Henderson - Daniel Hendricks
Maxine "Max" Mayfield - Matilda "Matty" Mercer
El/Jane Hopper - Ella/Jenny Hobble
Jim Hopper - Jack Hobble
Steve Harrington - Simon Harkner
Robin Buckley - Reagan Beuche
Eddie Munson - Edmund Mallard
Argyle - Arnett
Billy Hargrove - Bryce Hughes
Vecna/Henry Creel - Valineth/Harry Carello

Quests/Side Quests
Main Quests:
1. We first meet Miles Wallen and Ella, who are looking for their friends (Wilson Brylen, Matty Mercer, Daniel Hendricks, and Leroy Singleton). We find them one by one except for Wilson who is in the Flipside. Ella says she is able to take us there.
2. We rescue Wilson, however the 'Demogorgon' follows us out. Because of the impending battle we recruit new Party members to help us fight (Simon "The Hair" Harkner, Nina Wallen, Reagan Beuche, Edmund Mallard, Jack Hobble, Elizabeth Singleton, Justin Brylen, and Julia Brylen). (1 task per 2 characters; Simon + Reagon, Jack + Julia, Nina + Justin, Edmund + Elizabeth)
3. We defeat the 'Demogorgon' by doing multiple tasks, some of them with parts of the Part or iconic duos (like Matty + Leroy for one, Justin + Nina + Wilson for another, and Simon + Edmund for another). Once the 'Demogorgon' is defeated, Valineth appears for the last showdown.
4. We have to trap Valineth in the Flipside by doing multiple smaller tasks and a final major task for the big finale. The questline ends with everyone living
(please for the love of gods keep Eddie/Edmund alive we beg you)

Side Quests/Dailies
-Help Reagan and Simon serve customers at 'Scoops Ahoy'. (this could be similar to the 2023 ice cream minigame)
-Help Arnett deliver 'Surfer Boy' pizza to customers around town.

Flying - (perhaps doing something similar to Star Racing by with bicycles instead?)
Town of Hawkins
Flipside (mirror map of Town of Hawkins, including flying through a demogorgon's mouth)
'Starcourt' Mall (including the Mind Flayer)
Hawkins High
There Could Be Stranger Things (Story Map)

Droppers -
Falling into the Flipside

Rewards/Store Items
Wands- Nailbat

Hats- 'Demogorgon' Head, 'Scoops Ahoy' Hat, Daniel Hendricks' Hat (thinking cap)
Outfits (wearable)- 'Hellfire Club' Shirt, Roller Skates
Warp Key Appearance- D&D Player's Handbook
Pets- 'Demodog'/D'art, Baby Valineth, Mini 'Mind Flayer'
Broom Apperances- Bicycles
Collectables- Halloween in Hawkins Event Token, Playable Electric Guitar

Inspiration Pictures
Warp Key: Handbook Pet: D'art/Demodog Broom Appearance: Bike

Any ideas for rewards or dropper maps are greatly appreciated! <3


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: 20zuzka04
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Prefect SPEW Sr. Poltergeist
Hello there @AlliKitz !

Thank you so much for creating this suggestion, unfortunately, we will be declining this suggestion at this time. One of the main things we are trying to do for the future is to bring the focus of events back to magic, which this event is less focused on. Event design is a highly collaborative process with many team members involved so while forum suggestions can be one great component of the collaboration, it is unlikely for us to follow an exact suggested template. We may be inspired by parts of these suggestions as we work on future events, but our upcoming Halloween event is already planned. This is an extremely detailed suggestion so we would like to thank you for the effort and detail in this post. We will not make this exact event, but can keep this suggestion in mind for the future gameplay ideas!

Regardless, thank you again for creating this suggestion and we hope you have a magical day!