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Happy Holidays


Minecraft IGN: oakyno
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
Since the holidays are so hectic and I cant hop on and say it I want to say here happy holidays to everyone! Thank you all for being so great and I am so happy for my first holiday season with Potterworld. You guys are such a beautiful community and I appreciate it so much! Merry Christmas Eve and Happy seventh night of Hannukah. I hope you are all well and know you're loved and I hope those who observe Kwanzaa have a good one. I may not post on the 26th so I wanted to throw that in here early and Happy Yule to others. This server helped me learn more about the celebrations and traditions of people in this community and thank you for that! Thank you all again from the bottom of my heart and I can't wait to hopefully see you all in the next year! Thank you for helping me grow and being a safe place to land. <3 I know this is all very cheesy but I wanted to say something to show thanks.