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harder "parkour master" extra credit


Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
please change this task for the extra credit ac, the only map where this is even a little bit of a struggle is hogsworth and even then i feel like in a 45 minute class anybody can make it. would be cool if it were somewhat more challenging and gave more ac (since 2 ac is also a very insignificant amount)

also while we're at it let's change the flying one too since at the moment it's a similar situation, maybe for this one it can be like make it to the end of 5 classes or something for a decent amount of ac

thanks team

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Minecraft IGN: cheddarsoup
Auralock Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked


Minecraft IGN: 20zuzka04
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Prefect Class Helper SPEW Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello there @cheddarsoup !

This suggestion has been partially accepted! We will not be changing the Flying task, but we will look into updating the Wizard's PE one as a part of our Wizard's PE revamp project!

Thank you for this suggestion and we hope you have a magical day!