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help with a daily riddle


New Magician
hi, i'm on level 26 and i've been doing a few daily riddles. for like 2-3 months i'm stuck on a one that i can't solve, that say "Hear the ringing, the shining gold singing, walking all the way up there, has my legs stinging". I tried to go on the astronomy tower, the clock tower, the bank vaults and more... can someone help me? thanks


Drooble's Order
Minecraft IGN: ChrissShock
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Drooble's Order
Heya @ginevv!

This riddle can be found at the top of the bell tower in Hogsworth. If you work better with coordinates, here are the coordinates: 3543, 125, 2641! Hope this helps c:

~ Chris