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Hide and seek and game rules feedback


New Magician
Hello. My favorite game on the server is hide and seek. Its one of the less stressful games in the server that are easy to play for everyone and have a great level of fairness and can be played even with lag. I thought I could add my feedback below on what could be improved / needs to be fixed.

Part 1/2
I don't know if staff and developers are aware of this, but if the last hider leaves during hide and seek, the entire crew playing takes a loss even if they were about to win. I think this should be fixed because it effects our game status on wins and we have no other choice but to take a loss on our score because the last hider left regardless if we could have found them or not. This is very unfair to those who have trollers or top players join their rounds countless times to be the ones hiding and leave, or leave before being found to avoid taking a loss while we take it instead. I have seen countless players with monthly top scores in hide and seek leave when they are being hit as the last player so they don't take a loss on their game status, keeping them at top. This is cheating on game stats in a way, and it shouldn't be tolerated.

Part 2/2 Invisibility while hiding. I think it would be great for the developers to code in that players are invisible while hiding, because I have noticed that some players will follow and watch people hide and then get found, then they know the location of all the hiders and they get an instant win and advantage due to already seeing where everyone went. I have even seen people team up suddenly unplanned to watch where everyone ran and then get the rest of the hiders. Generally, seeing everyone else hide ruins the fun of hide and seek, because you see where they go and vise versa, which no one likes spoilers.

Part 3/3 poor sportsman-ship rule enforced. I have seen a lot of poor sportsman ship while playing hide and seek and other games where players will constantly complain in game and even come to the point of negatively criticizing people based on how good or bad they are. In some cases this is even considered bullying and nothing is done about it from staffs POV. No one want to be told that they suck for being found in hide and seek, or getting someone out as seeker which is the entire point of the role. We come on this server to get away from real life, and if we are coming on this server just to get made fun of and brought down for playing an enjoyable game, then whats the point? Its not just from new players does this type of poor-sportsmanship come from, I have seen it from every kind of person including advanced ones. There is a difference of stating an opinion and being disrespectful with the lines of borderline bullying. I don't think saying someone is trash or they suck during any game should be tolerated. I think stricter rules should be enforced, as this is a professional server as staff handles it, and when players act like this, it creates a negative environment. I think negatively criticizing players when they don't ask for it, should be treated more seriously as an offense even a warning issuable offense.

Part 4/4 Game rules abuse treatment and equality.
I understand making reports is recommended against players for that type abuse below, but most of the times these negative players are friends with staff and no punishments are taken against them and reports against them are seen as a joke because they know they can get away with It, and staff don't want their friends to get in trouble. They tend to get off the hook easier, even with bans which I saw being talked about on a thread earlier today about bans, so its an obvious remaining issue that not only I have realized. Even when you have proof in screenshots, they are given no warnings. I have seen players get treated differently based on who they are friends with. I have seen a new player be warned for trolling, while an old one was not and they were doing the same thing the new one was. This has been something that has been an issue for a while and I hope its improved. Everyone deserves to be treated fairly regardless of what status they hold, what friends they have, or how long they have been on the server. I don't think players punishments should be defined on how popular they are. Some may disagree but I've been researching around on threads and it appears its mentioned more then a few times and I thought id mention it too since it bothers me quite a bit.


Head of Media
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: MamaDuckie
Staff Head Staff Raven
Hello and thank you for sharing your thoughts! I'll bring this up with everyone and will return here once I have an answer based on your concerns!


Minecraft IGN: Tangular123
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Lead Prefect Discord Moderator SPEW Store Manager Lead

First off, we'd like to apologise in the delay in reply here. We've discussed with the Development and Community Management teams about what has been brought up above, and we have come to multiple solutions!

The first part of the feedback mentioned here is a bug. If the last hider does leave, then they should record a loss, and the rest of the team records a win. We will look into fixing this so that the game is more fair.

For the second feedback, we wish to make it so that hiders are hidden from each other in the initial time period before the seeker is released. Once the seeker is released, hiders will be visible to one another and the seeker.

As for the points brought up about sportsmanship and rules, we absolutely do not tolerate disrespect in any way on the server. We encourage players to come to staff members when they see this negative behaviour, as has been mentioned. Even if there are negative players that are friends with staff, our staff are here to remain impartial and follow the protocol we enforce on our server. If you are ever worried that a staff member is being biased towards certain players, we encourage you to reach out to a member of the leadership team so that we can evaluate the situation. Players should not be treated differently depending on their friends or how long they have been on the server, and we agree players should be treated fairly and that's what as a staff team we always strive for. If you notice this isn't happening, we would appreciate you reaching out about specific examples so we can look into it further.

Thank you for bringing up these points, and again we are sorry for the time taken to develop a response to these suggestions and feedback.


Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Academics Advisor
Hiya, @pikachuwu

I have arrived with great news! We have gone ahead and fixed the bug mentioned! However, we have decided we will no longer be hiding hiders from each other before the seeker is released. This is just a normal part of most hide and seek games and we don't want to change it at this time.

Thank you for taking the time to create suggestions we really appreciate it!

I hope you have a lovely day/night!