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House Pets in Common Rooms to Earn House Points


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
House pets in their respective common rooms where players could be able to interact with them and earn House Points.
  • Players could earn 2 house points every 24 hours, similar to daily activities stuff.
  • The house pet would only work if the player was in the same house.
  • Raven pet for raven commons, lion pet for griffin commons, etc.
  • Only one pet per common room and it would be located in the main living area.
  • There would be two interactions available where the player can do one once a day. So if they chose the Feeding interaction, the Petting option wouldn't be available afterwards - Unless it was required to feed and pet the pet to get 2 house points.

  • Two interactions: Feeding and Petting
    • Both of these interactions could be similar to how Events have the GUI games.
    • Like the Memento Mori game or the GUI games when you try to find the other mice from the Other World Halloween event.
    • Screenshot_1.png
    • I think the GUI Interaction would be similar to the mouse games though. Like finding the food for the mouse in the kitchen cabinet or moving the branches for the mouse stuck in the bushes.
    • The GUI game for Feeding would be similar to finding food for the mouse whilst Petting the pet could be similar to the moving the branches game.
I think this would give players a reason to go back to their common rooms.
Plus, if they are short on house points then this gives them another option to complete something in their Daily Activities.
This would make great use of the GUI Games that seem to only be used during Events.
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Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hello, @Somnambulist !

I'm happy to inform you that we have decided to accept this suggestion. We're currently working on adding additional activities to common rooms in the future, to bring more life to them. We have been considering how we can include pets as part of this! For now, this suggestion will be placed on hold, but we will be sure to let you know once it is implemented.

Thank you for creating this suggestion and I hope you have a magical day!