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I'm new and have some questions

So, I'm new and I'm trying to figure this all out. I'm sorry, I'm just really confused.

Question #1 - For the Mob hunt activity, how do I travel to Oakport, Blackwater Cove, etc?

Question #2 - I watched the tutorial for wands, but when I left click w/ my wand my bar and inventory is empty. Do you start off w/ no spells? Do you learn spells in classes?

Question #3 - Where do you buy brooms? I've looked all over the market place and I can't find anything for them.

Sorry, I am just really confused and I can't seem to figure it out. Thank you for your time.


Minecraft IGN: LindsYUH
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent VIP SPEW
Hi there!

1) To get to the Wilderness where those towns are, you can speak to the Captain NPC at the boathouse, which is located down the steps to the right of the courtyard which is outside the great hall. After talking to the Captain you'll be in Oakport, which is the first town in the Wilderness! You can find the other towns by exploring - there's also more information on the Wilderness in /faq > Professions > Wilderness.

2) You should start off on the server with one or two spells; if you don't see these in your wand, they might be in a separate hotbar, and you can press Q (or your drop key) with your wand open to switch wand hotbars. You receive a spell each time you level up, and you can level up by gaining XP! XP is gained from completing daily activities, trading in AC (which is earned from classes & voting) in the trophy room, killing mobs, etc. There are also some spells that aren't obtained from levelling, and these can be purchased using AC in the trophy room. I'd also highly suggest doing /faq in-game for more information on spells and levelling!

3) If you warp to the bank using a warp key bag, there's a broom store right across the street on the left corner! If you still aren't sure how exactly to get there, you can try asking in chat in-game and someone should be able to help you out.

I hope this helps! As I mentioned earlier doing /faq in-game should help a lot with some questions you might have, and if you have any other questions feel free to reply to this forum thread, or create a ticket in-game with /t create <issue/question> for staff support. :)
Hi there!

1) To get to the Wilderness where those towns are, you can speak to the Captain NPC at the boathouse, which is located down the steps to the right of the courtyard which is outside the great hall. After talking to the Captain you'll be in Oakport, which is the first town in the Wilderness! You can find the other towns by exploring - there's also more information on the Wilderness in /faq > Professions > Wilderness.

2) You should start off on the server with one or two spells; if you don't see these in your wand, they might be in a separate hotbar, and you can press Q (or your drop key) with your wand open to switch wand hotbars. You receive a spell each time you level up, and you can level up by gaining XP! XP is gained from completing daily activities, trading in AC (which is earned from classes & voting) in the trophy room, killing mobs, etc. There are also some spells that aren't obtained from levelling, and these can be purchased using AC in the trophy room. I'd also highly suggest doing /faq in-game for more information on spells and levelling!

3) If you warp to the bank using a warp key bag, there's a broom store right across the street on the left corner! If you still aren't sure how exactly to get there, you can try asking in chat in-game and someone should be able to help you out.
I hope this helps! As I mentioned earlier doing /faq in-game should help a lot with some questions you might have, and if you have any other questions feel free to reply to this forum thread, or create a ticket in-game with /t create <issue/question> for staff support. :)
Hey there, I will show you how to get to the wilderness.
watch this guide by a youtuber, hope you might get some help.:giggle::giggle::giggle: