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Inappropriate IGN


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: cowcatfrog
hello, so my friend has an inappropriate mc username, i guess you could say. he actually got a warning, i believe, but he didn't notice it till after he logged off because he had forgotten. he doesn't feel like changing it (and can't), so do they give him like an in-game nickname? because he doesn't really wanna be banned either lol. thank you!


Minecraft IGN: Grucifix
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Linked
Hello there Cowfrog! What's the IGN of your friend?

If you cannot change your username, your nickname will be changed to a random username if you do agree to change your IGN when you are able to since we're a family friendly server since Inappropriate IGN's are not allowed.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: cowcatfrog
oh thank you for the response!! me and my friend already dealt with it!! they ended up changing their ign. it was really for the best lol