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Item Names


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
Pre-Revelius, every mob drop used to have a very unique and creative name, such as: Dark Aura, Dragon Breath, Electrified Ashes, Peeling Skin, Wamprus Whiskers, Newt Sparks, Spider Eye, Mermaid Hair, Giant Toenail, Living Tree Trunk, Werewolf Fang, Bug Parts, Centaur Hooves and Gravestone Fragments (to name a few out of many).
Nowadays, mob drops have a very basic and formulaic naming, to show a few examples:

Fairy Ear, Pixie Ear, Vexling Ear, Pogbin Ear, Leprechaun Ear, Demoxie Ear, Gnome Ear
Wiggleworm Egg, Boomsland Egg, Poison Toad Egg, Sneeler Egg, Occomer Egg, Horned Snake Egg, Runespore Egg
Dementare Nail, Vampire Nail, Hobgoblin Nail, Ghoul Nail, Undead Nail
Murtlett Meat, Fluffle Puff Meat, Lunarcalf Meat, Wamprus Cat Meat, Manticore Meat, Nundoom Meat

And so on...
To put it simply, the names are boring, non-specific and repetitive and even though it might be too much work for little outcome, it would be nice for some variation in the names of mob drops (making them more set to the particular mob). It would give the mobs a bit more character and could make grinding that little less tedious.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
And add unique textures as well 😎 (if only it was that easy)
Yeah, I definitely agree that new textures that represent the animals would be awesome (as like the names, the textures are incredibly repetetive), however I'm not too sure on the technical capabilities of it and whether the resource pack is limited for room or size. Even if NEW textures is an impossibility, current existing ones can be used for the mob drops, which would definitely spice things up a little.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello, @MattyPoltergeist and everyone else!!

Thank you for taking this time to make this suggestion! I see where you're coming from and I think it would be interesting to see those creative names come back! I will take your suggestion to the team where we will discuss it! I'll let you know when a final decision has been made so make sure to keep an eye on this thread! Happy holidays!!


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hey @MattyPoltergeist!

Thank you for this suggestion and sincere apologies on the time it took for a response! Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. This is not something we want to change. Currently, the system is set up to be repetitive so that the drops are all based on the type of creatures they are. For example, all water creatures have fins, gills, etc. This makes it so it is a lot easier to identify where each mob drop comes from.

We really appreciate all the suggestions and feedback you provide and we hope you continue to make more. Thank you again and have a great day!!